AMATORI: Corso - Martini - Castellaccio - Avesani - Montresor - Casiraghi - Bettini F. - Valli - Molon - Banoi - Cevese - Bampa - Tomei - Bettini G. - Chiecchi
Subentrati: Bulbarelli - Leach - Gasparato - Zardini - Fattorelli - Altobel
Comincia bene la stagione dell'Amatori Valpolicella, che porta a casa una buona vittoria nella prima amichevole della stagione, contro i cugini del West Verona. La prima partita della stagione ha visto le due squadre affrontarsi su tre tempi da 20 minuti, ed ha visto i tori giallorossi prevalere per 5 mete a 2.
La partita non ha offerto grandissimi spunti, essendo le due squadre ancora molto sperimentali ed in fase di preparazione. Nel primo terzo di gara la compagine giallorossa moved quite well, trying to sketch out some good multi-phase, and then take advantage of higher light cavalry valpolicellese. This type of play has led, in the first fraction, the beautiful destinations Casiraghi and Montresor, and has allowed amateurs to control the game enough. The dominance has not yet been total, for the superiority of the West Verona in the game around the package, which has yielded a goal in their cart through touch, partly due to late placement of the yellow and red.
The second time, however, saw an almost total domination of opponents, and saw the home team to defend for almost the entire 20 minutes, close to its goal line. The defense, however, was effective and aggressive, although the legs are already beginning to fail, not allowing opponents to mark. Thanks so aggressive and effective in tackles, with evidence of very good defensive Martini, and Castellaccio Molon, our results have set at 0-0.
the last part of the race my legs are a little lacking in both teams, and fatigue made it possible to bring out the more technical individual bulls giallorossi. This allowed the team to go valpolicellese to mark three more times, using the holes provided by the opposing team. The markings were scored by Bano, Molon and Martini, which finally closed the match.
E 'was still a good test for the Amateur, came to crown the two weeks of hard physical labor, which saw the team already well advanced on some things, and others are to be improved. The next
friendly then we will certainly say something more about the team, even counting the many injured players to recover still flock to the infirmary red and yellow. The appointment is then for Sunday, when the bulls face the City of San Pietro in Cariano the formation of thirty Lagaria Rovereto, to continue the journey of fitness and technique, to get ready for the hard Serie C-elite.
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