Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Can U Get Warts On Your Lip

Pavia .. mon amour ....

Dopo una vita a sbandierare orgoglioso il mio essere Milanese , e con talvolta parole molto critiche sulle cittadine circostanti .. mi ritrovo a 40 e passa anni a constatare la bellezza e la vivibilita' di questa cittadina .

Oltre a essergli molto grato per avermi dato il lavoro , ora mi trovo a godermi ogni giorno le sue bellezze .. il fiume ha un fascino particolare con tutte le condizioni climatiche .. la distanza ridotta dalle colline e' un patrimonio per gente come noi corridori che amiamo le salite .

Il silenzio dei posti poco frequentati dalle auto e da tutti .. il traffico abbastanza normale e le sue campagne circostanti con cascine , maneggi , Oxbow lakes ..

It 'about time I hit the province for matches and training .. but it 's become a habit also come to spend the evening with his partner or make a hill eaten in the summer ..

course now enjoy the everyday 'of this city' and 'just a lucky ...

Pavia Thanks!

Monday, December 20, 2010

How To Write A French Card

oh, Raga .. ... the line there!

Christmas gift for aficionados around the bridge of Pavia. . well to be a wonderful location in the Ticino Park, complete with a tear in two and a single crossing of the river on pontoon bridge, now here are the signs of 'km and the last line!

served here's a nice ride of 50 km with everything you need to prepare for a race UDACE .. Merry Christmas to all!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Money Tree Poem Baby Shower

TicinOcrazytouR ... Mtb extreme across the white river ...

year's first mountain biking with the boys of the Vidigulfo TeamArmofer and 'got a little' later .. the boys are on with the condition and have all the means of first-class ... already 'last Sunday I was going to go, but I have been late and I went out on the road, whereas today I fixed a little' il mio cancello e alle 8,30 siamo partiti..
quattro presenti al bar Mellu,Ezio,Daniele Carlo ed io.. e tre gia' partiti qualche minuto prima,sono Maver Marco,Moretti e Roberto
..li raggiungeremo a bereguardo..
Freddo pungente, ma in mtb e' sopportabile e da subito all'ingresso del parco della vernavola notiamo che lo stato del terreno e' perfetto .. terra ghiacciata, dura e compatta con un grip eccezionale ..
Ritmi alti da subito e continuita' fino al ponte delle barche .. l'ambiente e' favoloso .. tutto bianco e ovattato ed il fiume che sbuca di tanto in tanto con i soliti scorci stupendi .
Il sentiero e' scorrevole e veloce e invoglia molto a fare velocita'...
raggiunto il ponte delle barche e i ragazzi si fa a stop and starts again for the most 'technical .. some jumpers and then the area of \u200b\u200bthe bends of the river and some ups and downs before Torre D'isola ..
Asphalt for a few miles and the course is a danger for the home stretch of the river-bridge empire ..
cross Pavia and during the last km Vernavola after soaking me and some other horses for a return to more 'tranquil ...
always pleasant and very good lap workout about 75km from home to home.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Could Bologna Cause Diarrhea

Pavia Bridge .. rank low on a Saturday but ....

... the 'in front of the music and' always the same ..

.. Few present today at the usual round of Saturday PAVIA ... but what makes me realize that even though the sun makes a nice cold and 'an unusual Bertoni jacket with wind-stopper gloves, hat and shoe covers ..

twenty, twenty-five up to now for the fun on Saturday ... speed 'fixed around now 40 and five or six to run almost regular .. sometimes lengthens Big Jim said Maurizio Trovamala and rapacious Rapa you sling some fuitina wheel controlled by the usual behind without difficulty '..

after Cauberg of San Biagio my usual extension after the brow .. right to force a second leg after the tear in and turn right again with Big Jim stretches Rapa wheel .. take a little 'ahead of the pass with three distinct Bozzola and acceleration of a mile to the head and I Ribo Bertoni close the hole before the descent of the grove ice .. street, trees, air .. all frozen .. The pilot Dadone us down the descent and we are seven .. mates today for the second part of the tour are the right range, Enzo, Ribo, Mauri, Bertoni Rapaccioli and then I. ..

are regularly until the end .. brought her usual winning final flicker of kale and arrived at Pavia he and I stretch a bit 'redoing the space of carbonara for a total of 85 km ..

Happy holidays to all and see you after Christmas .. cycling holiday and not too ...

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Pain Belly Button To Penis

below zero ... as in Aspen ..

Weeks like this ... and in particular ... days like today, suggest what we love this sport and how much we are willing to suffer just to do a workout .. because 'in our heads a bit' buggy there 'the problem .. the problem and 'best output in a more' in a less .. sometimes very wrong .. but the trend of most of us and 'to do too much for what we always do .. but all these things you think after being released .. not before .. and then 'sufficient time to do it and nothing and nothing you can' stop .. 'cause the dependency is put down only under duress .. and can last ..
adversity .. '.. discomfort '.. malpractice .. persieri others .. As the good Mou .. "No es my problem" ..
'sun ... but fixed temperatures to zero .. stake in Montalto Pavese, pleasant ride alone 55 km .. snow by the roadside and curved shadow frost .. but do so in the week he had lunch money .. although down .... Montalto and luckily 'even pedaled down ..
Wednesday '60 km ... step to return to the Ticino Carbonara .. .. Pavia Bridge (bridge Empire) a few aficionados of the newspaper .. Icio, Ribo, two or three others I do not know .. perhaps 6 or 7 more ... also mate Enzo Aquino ..
high speeds .. almost mandatory for non-freeze .. Fortunately, three men are good enough to make forty miles an hour! around short. I would say a short fast !
Thursday '40 km .. "Tragedy" ... the temperature here in Pavia and 'also remained at 13.00, three, four degrees below ..
underestimate the thing and I dress like the past few days .. mistake not to put windstopper jacket and gloves .. Carbonara and step back to pavia .. not realize they have the wind behind him .. cmq me well enough heat during the 20km ..
to bridge a waste .. to 13.30 .. arrive in two .. Maurizio Higlander Trovamala Ice with at least three team jackets Riboni .. and two other unlucky ..
frozen bank .. all white around .. even the river seemed to stop from freezing .. otherwise the air freezes my hands to problematic levels .. even the Matterhorn I was -28 created these problems .. Limido arrival at the fork and return to the base really frozen .. The three continue to turn .. "I do not know if they survived a really cold" ..
Dumb and I thought 'Dumb arrival in Aspen on a motorbike ... with beautiful and a nice jacket windstopper gloves in the trunk of the car!

snow expected tomorrow and weekly rest .. hello! .. Eee ... the next bitch ...

Monday, December 13, 2010

Red Spots On Horse Tongue




EXPANDIA Amatori Valpolicella:

Corso, Montresor, Utzeri, Casiraghi, Laryea, Zardini, Bettini F. (dal 20’ Altobel), Nicolis, Molon, Valli (dal 50' Gasparato), Bampa, Maddè, Favetta (dal 50' Bulbarelli), Bettini G. (dal 50’ Chiecchi), Tomei (50 'Zanatta)

A disp.: Cevese, Torres

Coaches : Bresciani-Carraro.

Scorers: For Feltre 6 goals (4 Transfer).

Referee: Alberto Stevanato

seems that Saint Lucia has failed to make a step ahead of a couple of hours, trying to make a Christmas gift to Tori.

But it seems that things began to turn in the best way, for the Expand Amateur Valpolicella, thanks to good performance ringed in recent times: Sunday but it's classic rude awakening that gives the Bulls to harsh reality, perhaps too sharply.

The match started well enough, however, the team AS Roma, who manages to control the outbursts Feltrine with discrete order, and tries to take the field with his foot and Zardini of course, difficulties in putting their opponents around the package with the actions of good and the raiders as Molon Laryea. The Valpo, however, is quite inaccurate in the tackle, and this leads to two goals in the first half that saw the score counter to penetrate the opponents 12-0.

just suffered the second half, seems to have given a great blow to the "vis pugnandi" of the Bulls, who are falling like a boxer on the verge of the knockout, but unable to finish the first time free. The end of the first half, however, is the mirror of what is to happen within the felt on the bench and running head-on, while the Bulls back crestfallen.

E 'Unfortunately, the signal that the game is turning bad for the EXPAND: in the second half because the guys from the duo Bresciani and Carraro, while fighting and never pulling back in the fight, must give way to a very Feltre more "aggressive" in dealing with the game. While still struggling (and here are distinguished primarily Gasparato e Satanasso Chiecchi), ed andando alla ricerca disperata di punti, i nostri devono subire dal Feltre altre quattro segnature, che portano il risultato ad un forse troppo ingeneroso 38 a 0.

Alla fine del match il morale in casa giallorossa è decisamente basso, soprattutto per il fatto che sembrava si fosse trovata la strada corretta per affrontare al meglio un campionato di C Elite, ed invece arriva una sconfitta a gettare nuovi dubbi e nuovi interrogativi: sapranno i nostri Tori rialzarsi da questa ennesima batosta? Noi ne siamo più che certi. Intanto si conclude l'anno rugbistico giallorosso, e si riesce finalmente a tirare un pò il fiato, cercando così di avere la mente un pò più sgombra, per reflect on what happened, trying to find the best solutions and, perhaps, recover a bit of illustrious injured.

Meanwhile, all the Amateur Rugby Valpolicella, Valpolicella in conjunction with the Rugby Club, takes this opportunity to wish you a Merry Christmas and a sparkling start to the new year.

Greetings to all !

Results ninth Day:

Valsugana-Silea 37-12

Jesolo-Conegliano 15-10

Vicenza-Livenza 17-24

Lido Ve-Alpago 12-18

Monselice-Monsters 13-19


Jesolo 38

Conegliano 33

Vicenza 32

Valsugana * 24

Monsters * 17

Livenza * 16

Monselice 15

Lido Fri 14

Silea 10

Feltre *** 10

Alpago 5


* a game in

Marco "achihannosparato" Gasparato, author Sunday in a test of great determination

Monday, December 6, 2010

Bikini Wax Jacksonville Ar




EXPANDI Amateur Valpolicella: course, Montresor, Laryea, Casiraghi, Fattorelli, Utzeri, Bettini F., Nicolis (from 77 'Cevese), Molon, Valli, Bampi, Leach, field beans, Bettini G. (From 77 'Bulbarelli), Tomei (from 77' Zanatta)

A disp.: Maddie, Gaspari, Zardini, Torres

Coaches : Bresciani-Carraro.

Rangers Rugby Vicenza: De Toni (from 56 'Calabria), Iotti, Nichols (from 64'Oliva) Cenghialta, Bonuomo, Callegaro, Bano, Pelizzari, Traverso, Barbato, Furegon (from 61 'Torregiani) Gnata, Pogni, Nickel, Bertuzzo (dal 45’ Carollo).

A disp.: Vigneri, Pilastro.

Allenatore: Cipriani.

Marcatori: Al 27’ m. Iotti, al 32’ c.p. Corso, al 35’ c.p. Corso, al 37’ m. Bano tr. De Toni, al 40’ c.p. Corso, al 47’ m.Traverso tr. De Toni, al 76’ m. Iotti

Arbitro : Covini Carlo

Buona prova questa domenica for the Expand Amateur Valpolicella, on home soil that has stood up to the rocky formation of Vicenza. The game was influenced by a pitch in terrible conditions, which limited not just the actions of both teams. Despite all the game was enjoyable from the stands and fought in the field, resulting in the balance for almost two thirds of the race.

The match starts with the Bulls for a good half an hour unable to keep up with the red and white tantrums, even going to touch the goal with some good deeds "off guard" by Nicolis and Molon. It 's the first to go to Vicenza, however, finding the right gate, after the defense had Veronese difeso tenacemente nel gioco stretto.

La meta subita non fa però perdere d’animo i Tori, che si rimettono con ordine a costruire il loro gioco, fatto di una difesa attenta e di buoni break nella difesa berica, ed in dieci minuti si riportano sopra nel punteggio, con Corso che imbecca i pali per due volte. Il Vicenza però non è squadra da lasciare troppe possibilità, riportandosi subito a ridosso della linea di meta giallorossa, e riuscendo a marcare la meta trovando il canale giusto nella difesa veronese. Prima della fine della prima metà di gioco c'è tempo per un'utlimo attacco dei Tori veronesi, il quale frutta un nuovo calcio piazzato, che Corso prontamente trasforma.

It then closes the first portion with Vicenza in the lead by three points, but with a Valpolicella, which proves very grown up and able to put into serious difficulties, the red and white training, team in no uncertain terms that points to the victory in the challenging Elite round group C Venetian. The game of attack and sees a good test Nicolis Molon, readily supported by the dirty work of Leach and Bampi second, how good is the work in the middle of the field and Laryea Utzeri. The most significant thing, however, is the defense: here is not no one in particular stands out, but only because it is the whole team AS Roma to defend carefully and decided for the entire first portion

The second half saw the formation of Vicenza up pace, and force the Bulls on the defensive, thanks to a slight drop against the home side, which seems to lack a bit of brilliance in the legs, to repeat the excellent first half. The Expand and then is forced to defend with tooth and nail for all the shooting, going furiously to counter the opponent on each and every tackle, ruck. The Vicenza still managed to go twice to mark the goal, so going to win the bonus in the standings, leaving a dry mouth and the yellow and red. The Bulls still have never forfeited during the whole of the match, both in attack, especially on defense, where they seem to be solving problems with many goals conceded.

A good match, in essence, to the Expand, which is proving to be up Sunday after Sunday's round in which he is, with the most convincing performance every week. After the price initially paid in the tournament, now the Bulls seem to finally be able to gamble on equal terms with any team in the group. Appointment then on Sunday, where at 12 the camp will arrive at the Sporting Club Verona Rugby Feltre, the last official match of the 2010 with two sides for the team AS Roma.

Action of the game (ph. Tomaino)

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Advanced Usb Port Monitor

shitty day!

I recount the experience of race in Magherno Mtb but not mood, after hearing the news today .. seven broken lives .. seven families ruined ..
then the girl of Bergamo, Sara Scazzi ... fuck ... fuck ....

Saturday, December 4, 2010

What Is The Meaning Of Rebosh

Pavia Bridge .. good start and fun for all the legs ...

Bel today around the bridge of Pavia with decent weather and dry roads ..
.. I would start regular and many including me if you are there 'quiet ..
forty among friends .. today's aspiring athletes and Ex.
.. Rapaccioli few miles and miles with a team of Zibido and Riboni soar .. the group with some small reaction keeps them at a safe distance, but gradually increases the gap .. other raptors are all of them 'Bertoni, Miles Giang, Ribo, I said right RokyTrani with Fantomas, MarcoSangio, Ivan the Orange and mixed sea ...
behind everything proceeds as expected ... 3 and 40 to pull the wheel .. until 'a Parasacco and, and, Ribo the leads that likes to go back .. just speed up what little there is in 4 maybe ... the 4th I've never seen .. cmq Ivan, Ribo and I .. is formed behind a small group with MI-Parquet Bertoni, Miles and someone else ..
bridge of boats and fast rise up the white flag of Rapa mates .. just before engaging the Hawk flies away and diventamo 5 or 6 to chase ..
on the Riviera also includes flooring and Rapa as a good sprinter gets up and become a dozen to about 3 / 4 km from Massawa ..
Tower Island, discesone, and flew the usual 3 or 4 more 'rowdy .. all home happy and content ..
But the Rapa and 'really gone to the shower at the home of Miles Roby?? mah .... valleys to see samples sti ...

Monday, November 29, 2010

How To Make A Sand Rail In Cad

struck again!



EXPANDI Amateur Valpolicella: Course (40 'Fattorelli), Cortina, Avesani (from 70 'Montresor) Casiraghi, Laryea, Zardini. Bettini F., Lonardi (40' Nicolis), Molon, Valli, Bampi, Leach (from 55 'MADD) and broad beans (from 70' Zanatta) Chiecchi (60 'G. Bettini), Tomei (60' Bulbarelli)

Coach : Bresciani-Carraro.

PEDEMONTANA LIVENZA T. Frara, Milani (30 'st Fort), F. Frara, Strohbach, Tacerbi, D'Auria, De Val, Pedron, Fiorentino, Rossi, Marson (25 'pt Pessotto) Avoledo (25' st Giordano), Meneguzzi, Del Puppo, M. Chesani .

Scorers: 5 'm. Milani tr. Frara, 10 'cp Frara, 30' m. Strohbach, 35 'cp Frara, 40' cp Frara, 51 'cp Frara, 58'm. Milani tr. F. Frara.

Referee : Warriors Carlo

L 'Expand Amateur Valpolicella back to Polcenigo ( PN) with another defeat on the rump. Sunday was just a tough day for the team AS Roma, one of those days that you find it difficult to swallow: waking up in the early hours of Sunday, put up so many hours by bus to get to play on a field very muddy, under constant water ed un vento gelido che non da tregua, e dover comunque riuscire a fare mente locale il prima possibile, ed a svegliarsi subito, per entrare in campo aggressivi. Ecco, f orse nella partita di domenica dei Tori è mancato proprio questo: l’aggressività iniziale. Nel primo tempo infatti, i guerrieri della Valpolicella sono rimasti imbrigliati nella manovra degli avversari, bravi a mettere in crisi la formazione veronese con una grande aggressività intorno ai raggruppamenti, ed un buon lavoro al piede della mediana per cercare i box liberi.

Il leit–motiv del prima frazione vede quindi gli Amatori sempre sulla difensiva, But good to embarrass their opponents in the static phases, with different mixtures Chiecchi to steal, usually el'ormai Peter Leach to make a raid balls in the lineout. The team, however, is timid in the tackle and in 'one on one, and ends up suffering the aggression of the opponents, who with two goals and three free kicks lead at half time the result on the 21 to 0.

duo on the bench understand that it's time to run for cover, and with a better groomed and a couple of changes, they turn to face the Bulls game. In the second half in fact, we see a much more aggressive team, who defends the field literally with a knife between his teeth, not retreating an inch from your opponent. On the shields above the third line, with Valli and Molon do scorched earth around them, and also an excellent debut at number 8 Nicolis, with excellent percussion tackles and aggressive. Out in the field seaboard have a good test in the control room Zardini (man of the match red and yellow), and a great defensive test Avesani, usually ultra-aggressive tackler, who, despite paying 20-30 kg compared to the attacking line , puts everything on the ground near the steps.

Livenza The ends, however, to make another meta (lucky enough it must be said), and put a kick between the posts, taking about 31 to 0. The home side, however, puts her foot on the accelerator, to go looking for the bonus point, the bonus point, but the defense is now red and yellow impenetrable el'Expandia does not grant anything to the opponent.

New defeat then, that usually leaves a bitter taste in the mouths of yellow and red, especially in light of the performance of the second half. The Bulls have to go in search of why performance is so altalentante: it is not the first time (read Monselice Conegliano, Lido, etc ...) that the team completely changed between the first and second time. The difference seems to make the head, where the opponents, far more accustomed to playing at this level of ours, you do not ever allow you to enter the field of leisure, and never lapses in concentration that, at this level, experience has shown can be fatal !

appointment for Sunday at home within the walls of friends So when you get the red and white armored Rangers Vicenza team against which we will absolutely not get into the field off guard, but being "in the blood eyes "from the first minute. Up to last.

Day VII Results:

Feltre-Monsters - -

Lido-Fri 6-18 Valsugana

Conegliano-Silea 17-11

Jesolo-Monselice 22-8

Vicenza-Alpago 13-5


Jesolo 29

Conegliano 28

Vicenza 26

Valsugana * 14

Monsters * 13

Monselice 11

Silea 10

Livenza* 10

Lido Ve 9

Feltre *** 5


Alpago 1

* una partita in meno

Federico Zardini,il migliore in campo per l'Expandia domenica

Monday, November 22, 2010

Bells Pulsy Canyou Die From It




Scorers: 19 'm. Bernardi tr. Marangon, 29 'm. Course, 67 'm. Taranto

EXPANDI Amateur Valpolicella: Cortina Corso, Laryea, Casiraghi, Montresor, Zardini, F. Bettini, Lonardi, Molon, Bano (44 'Valli), Bampi, Leach (56' MADD), Tomei (56 'G. Bettini), Chiecchi broad beans.

A disp. Zanatta, Gaspari, Fattorelli, Avesani.

Coaches : Bresciani-Carraro.

Rugby Style: Vittori, Di Taranto, Portelli, Ventura, Lanon, Marangon, Lauro, Fava, Bernardi (40 'Sartoretto) Voltarel (40 'Sboggiò), skirts, Burlin (71' Severin), Bonazza, Prego, Gobbi (40 'Cabaldo).

A disp: Toffolo, Alibrandi.

Notes: At 64 'yellow card for Valli, a 49' yellow card Sartoretto.

Dura Sunday for the Expand Amateur Valpolicella: a Sunday made of mud, mud, of tremendous hard work, beatings, joys and of pain. Yes, because the Bulls out of their fangosissima arena with another defeat, however, going close to victory.

The team enters the field at the Sporting Club in Verona is a XV decided to fight with knives between their teeth from first to last second, decided to go in search of long-awaited victory.

The Bulls are in fact more aggressive than ever, and in fact immediately bring a great defensive pressure, a Sile still tries to control the game. After a few minutes the great pressure turns into an interception of Casiraghi, who flies undisturbed towards the goal, salvo perdere sul più bello il pallone, reso un blocco informe di fango dalla pioggia incessante.

E’ un Valpo che però tiene bene il campo, resiste ottimamente nel gioco aperto e nei punti di incontro, e mette molto in difficoltà il Silea nelle fasi statiche. La mischia chusa infatti si conferma superlativa, con capitan Favetta a guidare le poderose spinte del pack, e con una touche che funziona a meraviglia: Peter Leach (man of the match della giornata, un atleta in crescita costante) mette il lucchetto alle touche sia in attacco che in difesa, raggiungendo quasi il 100% di ricezioni dai lanci che partono dalle mani di Chiecchi. In campo aperto invece, Lonardi (all’esordio at number 8) confirms man-in support offensive and defensive everywhere, and Molon and Bano confirmed excellent hunters opponents. " In the trocar stand out in the wide triangle course and Cortina, good at defense and incisive in attack and good results Zardini's debut with the number 10 on the back.

The Silea But despite the good performance of the whole team AS Roma, is able to take advantage of the increased physicality in its 'one against one, going to mark the 19' with Bernardi. Montresor in fact nothing can against an opponent more than 30 kg heavier than him, and the Sile, with the processing, passes to lead for 7 to 0. The Bulls, however, there are, and do not panic for the shot now: continue to build their game effectively, and after 10 minutes pass. Course takes advantage of a break in the opposing defense in Cortina, and a soccer overcomes the last enemy, gliding in half between the enthusiasm of his companions.

The game is still to be played in the second half, however, beginning with the Amateur forced on the defensive from Sile, which speeds up the game. The Bulls, however, raise a real wall in their 22, and furiously resist advancing opponent blow for blow. The trench resist for 17 minutes, until the signature blue-white, viziata forse da un’irregolarità nei confronti dei placcatori giallorossi.

I Tori sono estremamente provati fisicamente dalla lunga lotta in difesa, ma rialzano subito la testa. C’è infatti ancora tempo però, e i Tori si riversano nella metà campo avversaria per cercare l’assalto finale, il quale però non riesce, ed i Tori devono nuovamente piegare il capo all’avversario.

Appuntamento con la vittoria rimandato a domenica prossima, quando l’Expandia si scontrerà sul duro campo di Polcenigo, contro il Pedemontana Livenza.

Results sixth Day:

Feltre-Valsugana - -

Vicenza-Jesolo 10-22

Livenza-Conegliano 0-20

Monselice-Alpago 18-10

Monsters Lido-ve 10-18


Jesolo 24

Conegliano 24

Vicenza 22

Monsters 13

Monselice 11

Valsugana * 10

Lido Ve 9

Silea 9

Livenza * 6

Feltre ** 5


Alpago 1

* a game in

** two games in less

Monday, November 8, 2010

Mini Dirt Bikes Phoenix Az




Scorers: 58 'm. Cortina, 80 'm. Utzeri. Conegliano for 6 goals (4 transf.) And 1 cp

EXPANDI Amateur Valpolicella:

Cortina (54 'Utzeri), Course, Altobel, Avesani, Montresor, Casiraghi, Bettini, Russian (35 'Baldelli), Molon (65' Gasparato), Lonardi (51 'Leach), Bampi, Cevese (60' Bano) Tomei (65 'Zanatta) Chiecchi (60' Bulbarelli) and broad beans.

Coaches : Bresciani-Carraro.

Referee: Strull

Notes: At 50 'Cevese warned.

da Conegliano Back with a new team defeat the red and yellow dell'Expandia Amateur Valpolicella, but sees the team put another brick on the process of growth that is slowly taking.

Il risultato infatti è quantomeno bugiardo, alla luce della prestazione complessiva della squadra, ed è figlio di un primo tempo decisamente “assonnato” da parte dei Tori.

Per tutto il primo tempo infatti, il Conegliano ha costretto la squadra veronese sulla difensiva, grazie alla buona organizzazione intorno al pacchetto di mischia, che ha creato non poche difficoltà ai giallorossi.

Sono scaturite quindi ben 5 mete nei primi 40 minuti, per un risultato complessivo di 34 a 0 al fischio dell’arbitro. Risultato pesante, che però mette in luce la poca aggressività e pressione difensiva messa in atto dai Tori. Sul finire del Initially, however, occur two episodes: first, 35 ', it is to record the awful accident occurred to our number 8 Denny Russo for him fracture dislocation of the tibia and fibula, but lots of wishes from all the' giallorosso environment. Then the mixture begins to take the steps slowly, thanks to the input of Baldelli (for his debut season), and is finally able to halt the powerful forces of the yellow and blue pack, thus avoiding another signature is the signal that something is changing.

The second movement is in fact a monologue Giallorossi. The Bulls take the reins firmly in hand in the game, and not more springs. A big test in the scrum all closed by the first line, with Chicco Tomei and Ziggy Favetta to always win the engagement, and Satan Chiecchi to steal a large number of mixtures, allow the line to run behind. The raids in Cortina, Corso and all the light cavalry, top coaches and athletes, finally brings in half the Bulls, with Altobel, which launched from Treviso Casiraghi is wedged in the defense and make the goal. I continue to grind our game: Bulbarelli Zanatta and they show not to be outdone in the first line with their supporting cast, Bano and freshness Gasparato damage in the third row, and is also fitted with the arrival of the touche Peter Leach (for him three steals in just under 5 minutes!). The actions of attack are endless, the Valpo is back at last to impose their game, but the huge possession of the ball, unfortunately, is not aimed at points, because of water on the field, which makes the ball slippery and difficult to be controlled by the trocar. At the end of the game goes back to Conegliano in goal, after a long multiphase, until you find the right door. The Bulls, however, there are to lose the second half of the match: just pour in the attacking midfield, and the last game action can be found just down the hall with Utzeri, flying in half, amid the joy of fellow .

At the end of the game

minds are serene and the team is satisfied: Despite a bad first half, the Bulls were able to react better, and the recovery is definitely the place to start, to begin at last to go hunting for the victory missing now for seven months. See you in two weeks, when the Expand will return to play within the walls of friends, newly promoted to collide against each other in the group, Sile.

Results sixth Day:

Lido Feltre-Fri 14-5

Valsugana-Monsters 27-26

Silea-Livenza 19-0

Jesolo-Alpago 56-7

Monselice-Vicenza 0-17


Vicenza 22

Conegliano 20

Jesolo 15

Monsters 13

Valsugana 10

Monselice 7

Livenza * 6

Feltre * 5

Silea 5

Lido Fri 5

Alpago 1


* Livenza Feltre and a game in

Denny Russo, seriously injured Sunday.
with us all the best wishes for a quick comeback!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

How To Make A Tutu Shirt

on track ...


Scorers: 1 'm. Cortina, 25 'cp Course. For Monselice 4 goals (3 transf.) and 1 cp
EXPANDI Amateur Valpolicella:
course, Cortina, Avesani, Casiraghi, Altobel, Utzeri, Bettini F., Russo, Molon (from 38 'Bulbarelli from 73' Cevese), Lonardi (40 'Valli from 79 'Gasparato (from 81' Favetta)), Bampi, Leach, Tomei (from 57 'Valli), Bettini G. (From 64 'Molon), Chiecchi.
A disp. Fattorelli, Montresor
Coaches: Bresciani-Carraro.
Hercules Monselice Rugby:
Brasolin, Veronese, Moro, Face (70 'Motta), Banzi, Saggioro, Panin, Bolzonaro, Albertin, Zaggia, Dance, Zanellato, Moro, Costanzo (70 'Carrara), Fiorin
A disp: Cavestro, Renesto, Curto, Cibotto, Bassan
Coach: Barbers
Referee: Mr Sgardiolo
Note: Al 34' amm. Tomei, 38 'amm. Bettini G., and Costanzo, the 61 'amm. Valli, 75 'expelled Bettini G., 78' amm. Carrara, the 80 'esp. Valli

New defeat for the Expand Amateur Valpolicella, but finally begins to give signs of recovery, and playing as they should in this category: slowly, bit by bit, things seem to settle down a little time, even if the job remains much to do.
Sunday's game saw the Bulls face a team that should be technically superior and better organized of our children. The match begins, however, in the best way for the Giallorossi, with an action that nearly perfect, go in goal after one minute with Cortina good job of cleaning the ball forward to release the back line, which has a display of great qualities techniques, reaching over the goal line with different off-loads and excellent lines of running.
After this brilliant beginning, however, giallorossi valpolicellesi do not decrease their pace, and twenty minutes to keep possession of the ball in midfield and install red and white. You earn a set di calci di punizione, che però i nostri non riescono a tramutare in tre punti, pur avendo il vento a favore. Mantengono però il possesso, grazie al buon lavoro fatto dagli avanti intorno ai punti di incontro, e sembra finalmente di vedere la squadra che tanto bene ha fatto l’anno scorso.
Come al solito però, il primo errore della partita viene pagato carissimo dai Tori: una salita difensiva imprecisa da parte dei trequarti permette a Faccia di involarsi nel canale lasciato libero, e grazie ad un paio di fasi ben impostate, permettono al Monselice di arrivare in meta. I nostri però non si arrendono, ed al 25’ riemttono la testa avanti, grazie ad un piazzato di Giulio Corso, che porta il punteggio sull’8-7. Before halftime, however, there is another place to record Padua, marked with a rolling maul from a touch very well set up, and almost untenable for our. It then closes the first part of the race at 12-8, and after all the bulls are still in the game, even if forced to play without two men, waved the yellow cards to Tomei and G. Bettini, and seem able to to gamble until their last breath.
The second time, however, begins in a totally different way than the first, and sees in our literally off the light, and almost completely lose possession of the ball, finding himself almost exclusively to defend in their own half.
This is also because of the many yellow card: in addition to two of the first half, the referee sends the stakes even under Valleys, and at the end of the first game of hunting for a second yellow card Bettini G. and then the same valleys. This allowed the Monselice to the game, and despite good defense Verona, going to mark two more times during the second half, using just the numerical superiority in the scrum pack to mark thanks to the pressures of the pack. New
defeat short, but shows encouraging signs of recovery, which will be severely tested on Sunday, away, on the field of Conegliano, one of the contenders for victory in the group: we must show how much good ours are able to put the field to continue the growth of this team.

Results Day IV:
Livenza-Feltre Postponed
Conegliano-Valsugana 17-5
Silea-Alpago 21-5
Monsters-Jesolo 8-31
Vicenza-Fri Lido 34-5

Vicenza 18
Conegliano 15
Jesolo 15
Monsters 11
Monselice 7
Livenza* 6
Feltre * 5
Valsugana 5
Alpago 1
Silea 1
Lido Fri 1
* Livenza Feltre and a game in

Peter Leach, author of a good test on Sunday. A boy in constant growth.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Can I Press Charges On My Brother?



Scorers: 25 ', 28', 34 'cp Mao 37 'm. Zanutto, 51 'm. Benitez, 61 'm. Couves, 65 'm. Gun, 69 'm. Barter.
EXPANDI Amateur Valpolicella:
course, Fattorelli, Avesani (from 62 '
Montresor), Casiraghi, Cortina, Bettini F., Zardini (from 41' Castellaccio), Valli (from 52 'Bano), Russian, Lonardi (from 52 'Molon), Leach, Cevese (from 52' Bampi), field beans, Bettini G. (70 'Tomei), Chiecchi.
A disp. Zanatta
Coaches: Bresciani-Carraro.

Rugby Venice Lido:
Mao, Isolde, Adrian, Calderan Miliaccio, Zanutto, Benini, Tarantella, Barter, Masiol, Couves, Balsemin, Fameli, Zennaro, Peace.
A disp: Sebastiani, Gerardi, Monico, Dean, Pistol, Talamo, Caprara
Manager: Morton
Notes: field heavy rain throughout the whole match. At 26 'admonition to Russo.

Third straight defeat for the Expand Amateur Valpolicella, that after a year and a half lost the inviolability of the Municipality of San Pietro, falling at the hands of Rugby Venice Lido. The match was to be the turning point of the game, to try to finally turn the wheel of fortune in our favor.
In fact, the Bulls enter the field believe, and for the first half of the first time retain possession of the ball and go looking for the right keys to open the defense of the lagoon. Guests are rather good guard. Change the game instead of 25 'where in five minutes the boys in red and yellow suffer a serious blow: the Lido just puts out his nose from his own half, had three points put in his pocket, and a minute after the referee sends in the Russian poles to reflect for ten minutes. The Amateur is a bit 'too foul, and on 28' centers Zanutto the stakes again. Three blows that hit the defensive wall yellow and red, but resist, and our attempt to begin to weave the threads of the game. Too many fouls are, however, committed, and the 34 'lagoon guests put another ball in the middle of the poles, and go over the break. Here the bulls are nervous a little, lose a moment of lucidity, and on the half-time they undergo the opponents' goal, for a transmission error between Bettini F. and Casiraghi.
Hard, suffer a huge blow to the goal before half-time, el'Expandia pays the consequences dearly.
The second time, in fact, is almost a monologue of opponents, hiding the ball to the Bulls, and force them on the defensive for almost the entire game. You know, try to get a game, without ever having the ball in hand is hard, and our gradually fall under the blows of opponents, undergoing another 4 goals opponents. However laudable the Bulls: while forced to defend the fort to the bitter end giallorosso not have all pulled back, and in the final ten minutes were up a real opposition to the dam, a dam made of hard tackles and without ceremony. The game then ends with a result very heavy for Valpo, which must now attempt to recover the mental energy for Sunday when they host the Monselice.

Results Day three:
Feltre-Jesolo 12-27
Vicenza-Valsugana 22-5
Monsters-Silea 28-19
Alpago-Conegliano 17-53
Livenza-Monselice 33-32

Vicenza 13
Monsters 11
Conegliano 11
Jesolo 10
Livenza 6
Feltre 5
Valsugana 5
Alpago 1
Monselice 2
Lido Fri 1
Silea -3

Andrea Bampi, recovered Sunday after a knee injury