EXPANDI Amateur Valpolicella: course, Montresor, Laryea, Casiraghi, Fattorelli, Utzeri, Bettini F., Nicolis (from 77 'Cevese), Molon, Valli, Bampi, Leach, field beans, Bettini G. (From 77 'Bulbarelli), Tomei (from 77' Zanatta)
A disp.: Maddie, Gaspari, Zardini, Torres
Coaches : Bresciani-Carraro.
Rangers Rugby Vicenza: De Toni (from 56 'Calabria), Iotti, Nichols (from 64'Oliva) Cenghialta, Bonuomo, Callegaro, Bano, Pelizzari, Traverso, Barbato, Furegon (from 61 'Torregiani) Gnata, Pogni, Nickel, Bertuzzo (dal 45’ Carollo).
A disp.: Vigneri, Pilastro.
Allenatore: Cipriani.
Marcatori: Al 27’ m. Iotti, al 32’ c.p. Corso, al 35’ c.p. Corso, al 37’ m. Bano tr. De Toni, al 40’ c.p. Corso, al 47’ m.Traverso tr. De Toni, al 76’ m. Iotti
Arbitro : Covini Carlo
Buona prova questa domenica for the Expand Amateur Valpolicella, on home soil that has stood up to the rocky formation of Vicenza. The game was influenced by a pitch in terrible conditions, which limited not just the actions of both teams. Despite all the game was enjoyable from the stands and fought in the field, resulting in the balance for almost two thirds of the race.
The match starts with the Bulls for a good half an hour unable to keep up with the red and white tantrums, even going to touch the goal with some good deeds "off guard" by Nicolis and Molon. It 's the first to go to Vicenza, however, finding the right gate, after the defense had Veronese difeso tenacemente nel gioco stretto.
La meta subita non fa però perdere d’animo i Tori, che si rimettono con ordine a costruire il loro gioco, fatto di una difesa attenta e di buoni break nella difesa berica, ed in dieci minuti si riportano sopra nel punteggio, con Corso che imbecca i pali per due volte. Il Vicenza però non è squadra da lasciare troppe possibilità, riportandosi subito a ridosso della linea di meta giallorossa, e riuscendo a marcare la meta trovando il canale giusto nella difesa veronese. Prima della fine della prima metà di gioco c'è tempo per un'utlimo attacco dei Tori veronesi, il quale frutta un nuovo calcio piazzato, che Corso prontamente trasforma.
It then closes the first portion with Vicenza in the lead by three points, but with a Valpolicella, which proves very grown up and able to put into serious difficulties, the red and white training, team in no uncertain terms that points to the victory in the challenging Elite round group C Venetian. The game of attack and sees a good test Nicolis Molon, readily supported by the dirty work of Leach and Bampi second, how good is the work in the middle of the field and Laryea Utzeri. The most significant thing, however, is the defense: here is not no one in particular stands out, but only because it is the whole team AS Roma to defend carefully and decided for the entire first portion
The second half saw the formation of Vicenza up pace, and force the Bulls on the defensive, thanks to a slight drop against the home side, which seems to lack a bit of brilliance in the legs, to repeat the excellent first half. The Expand and then is forced to defend with tooth and nail for all the shooting, going furiously to counter the opponent on each and every tackle, ruck. The Vicenza still managed to go twice to mark the goal, so going to win the bonus in the standings, leaving a dry mouth and the yellow and red. The Bulls still have never forfeited during the whole of the match, both in attack, especially on defense, where they seem to be solving problems with many goals conceded.
A good match, in essence, to the Expand, which is proving to be up Sunday after Sunday's round in which he is, with the most convincing performance every week. After the price initially paid in the tournament, now the Bulls seem to finally be able to gamble on equal terms with any team in the group. Appointment then on Sunday, where at 12 the camp will arrive at the Sporting Club Verona Rugby Feltre, the last official match of the 2010 with two sides for the team AS Roma.
Action of the game (ph. Tomaino)
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