Scorers: 1 'm. Cortina, 25 'cp Course. For Monselice 4 goals (3 transf.) and 1 cp
EXPANDI Amateur Valpolicella:
course, Cortina, Avesani, Casiraghi, Altobel, Utzeri, Bettini F., Russo, Molon (from 38 'Bulbarelli from 73' Cevese), Lonardi (40 'Valli from 79 'Gasparato (from 81' Favetta)), Bampi, Leach, Tomei (from 57 'Valli), Bettini G. (From 64 'Molon), Chiecchi.
A disp. Fattorelli, Montresor
Coaches: Bresciani-Carraro.
Hercules Monselice Rugby:
Brasolin, Veronese, Moro, Face (70 'Motta), Banzi, Saggioro, Panin, Bolzonaro, Albertin, Zaggia, Dance, Zanellato, Moro, Costanzo (70 'Carrara), Fiorin
A disp: Cavestro, Renesto, Curto, Cibotto, Bassan
Coach: Barbers
Referee: Mr Sgardiolo
Note: Al 34' amm. Tomei, 38 'amm. Bettini G., and Costanzo, the 61 'amm. Valli, 75 'expelled Bettini G., 78' amm. Carrara, the 80 'esp. Valli
New defeat for the Expand Amateur Valpolicella, but finally begins to give signs of recovery, and playing as they should in this category: slowly, bit by bit, things seem to settle down a little time, even if the job remains much to do.
Sunday's game saw the Bulls face a team that should be technically superior and better organized of our children. The match begins, however, in the best way for the Giallorossi, with an action that nearly perfect, go in goal after one minute with Cortina good job of cleaning the ball forward to release the back line, which has a display of great qualities techniques, reaching over the goal line with different off-loads and excellent lines of running.
After this brilliant beginning, however, giallorossi valpolicellesi do not decrease their pace, and twenty minutes to keep possession of the ball in midfield and install red and white. You earn a set di calci di punizione, che però i nostri non riescono a tramutare in tre punti, pur avendo il vento a favore. Mantengono però il possesso, grazie al buon lavoro fatto dagli avanti intorno ai punti di incontro, e sembra finalmente di vedere la squadra che tanto bene ha fatto l’anno scorso.
Come al solito però, il primo errore della partita viene pagato carissimo dai Tori: una salita difensiva imprecisa da parte dei trequarti permette a Faccia di involarsi nel canale lasciato libero, e grazie ad un paio di fasi ben impostate, permettono al Monselice di arrivare in meta. I nostri però non si arrendono, ed al 25’ riemttono la testa avanti, grazie ad un piazzato di Giulio Corso, che porta il punteggio sull’8-7. Before halftime, however, there is another place to record Padua, marked with a rolling maul from a touch very well set up, and almost untenable for our. It then closes the first part of the race at 12-8, and after all the bulls are still in the game, even if forced to play without two men, waved the yellow cards to Tomei and G. Bettini, and seem able to to gamble until their last breath.
The second time, however, begins in a totally different way than the first, and sees in our literally off the light, and almost completely lose possession of the ball, finding himself almost exclusively to defend in their own half.
This is also because of the many yellow card: in addition to two of the first half, the referee sends the stakes even under Valleys, and at the end of the first game of hunting for a second yellow card Bettini G. and then the same valleys. This allowed the Monselice to the game, and despite good defense Verona, going to mark two more times during the second half, using just the numerical superiority in the scrum pack to mark thanks to the pressures of the pack. New
defeat short, but shows encouraging signs of recovery, which will be severely tested on Sunday, away, on the field of Conegliano, one of the contenders for victory in the group: we must show how much good ours are able to put the field to continue the growth of this team.
Results Day IV:
Livenza-Feltre Postponed
Conegliano-Valsugana 17-5
Silea-Alpago 21-5
Monsters-Jesolo 8-31
Vicenza-Fri Lido 34-5
Vicenza 18
Conegliano 15
Jesolo 15
Monsters 11
Monselice 7
Livenza* 6
Feltre * 5
Valsugana 5
Alpago 1
Silea 1
Lido Fri 1
* Livenza Feltre and a game in
Peter Leach, author of a good test on Sunday. A boy in constant growth.
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