Si concede l'indulgenza plenaria al fedele che:
1. visita il SS. Sacramento e rimane in Adorazione almeno per mezz'ora;
2. Holy Thursday, during the solemn Repose of the SS. Sacramento after S. Mass of the Lord's Supper, devoutly reads the verses of Tartum Ergo;
3. devoutly participate in the Eucharistic procession, which is of great importance in the Solemnity of SS. Body and Blood of Christ, whether it takes place within and outside the sacred building;
4. devoutly participate in the solemn rite, which is usually celebrated at the conclusion of Eucharistic Congresses.
1. visita il SS. Sacramento e rimane in Adorazione almeno per mezz'ora;
2. Holy Thursday, during the solemn Repose of the SS. Sacramento after S. Mass of the Lord's Supper, devoutly reads the verses of Tartum Ergo;
3. devoutly participate in the Eucharistic procession, which is of great importance in the Solemnity of SS. Body and Blood of Christ, whether it takes place within and outside the sacred building;
4. devoutly participate in the solemn rite, which is usually celebrated at the conclusion of Eucharistic Congresses.
Listen to Tantum Ergo Sacramentum :
Tantum Ergo Sacramentum
veneremur cernui
et antiquum documentum
novo cedat ritui.
Praestet fides supplementu m
sensuum defectui.
Genitori genitoque
laus et jubilatio
salus, honor, virtus quoque sit
et Benedicto.
proceeding ab utroque compar sit
Italian version:
Worship the Sacramento
that God the Father gave us.
New Covenant, faith in the new rite
was accomplished.
the mystery is the foundation of the Word of Jesus
Glory to the Father Almighty, glory to the Son, Redeemer
praise great, great honor
all’Eterna Carità .
Gloria immensa, eterno amore
alla santa Trinità .
Per aprire una finestra in cui ascoltare la versione audio in latino del Tantum ergo, cliccare >>>qui
Tratto dal Manuale delle indulgenze - LIBRERIA EDITRICE VATICANA
Worship the Sacramento
that God the Father gave us.
New Covenant, faith in the new rite
was accomplished.
the mystery is the foundation of the Word of Jesus
Glory to the Father Almighty, glory to the Son, Redeemer
praise great, great honor
all’Eterna Carità .
Gloria immensa, eterno amore
alla santa Trinità .
Per aprire una finestra in cui ascoltare la versione audio in latino del Tantum ergo, cliccare >>>qui
Tratto dal Manuale delle indulgenze - LIBRERIA EDITRICE VATICANA
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