Monday, January 31, 2011

What Does A Turquoise Jelly Bracelet Mean




EXPANDI Amateur Valpolicella: Cortina (from 65 'Fattorelli), Course, Avesani (from 65' Montresor) Casiraghi, Laryea, Zardini, F. Bettini , Valli (from 56 'Gasparato) Molon (from 56' Lovatin) Cevese, Maddie, Leach, field beans (from 67 'Zanatta) Chiecchi (50' G. Bettini), Tomei (50 'Bulbarelli)

Coaches: Bresciani-Carraro

Jesolo Rugby: Zanette, Visentin, Serafin, Bincoletto, Lucchetta, Boulder, Toffolo, Serafin (from 47 'Forcolin) Masarin (from 56' Constantin), Mattioli, Tadié Menazza (from 56 'Talon), Wachsmann (from 55' Bortolusso) Vazzola, Low

A disp: Polarti, Gambarotto

Manager: Giancarlo Pivetta

Referee: Paolo Fortunati

Scorers: 15 'm. Jesolo, 24 'cp Course, 41' m. Jesolo (Transfer), 42 ', 46', 54 'and 66' m. Jesolo (2 Transfer), 73 'm. Gasparato (trasf. Course)

Notes: Half time 3-12. At 6 'Yellow Course, 69' yellow card Toffolo

Rounds the mark of the Amateur League dell'Expandia Valpolicella, which unfortunately makes up a defeat against the league leaders, the Rugby Jesolo. The Bulls will have the game ready to redeem the provision of such development, where they were flooded with the sixty points behind leaders mercilessly inflicted.

At the start of the game is in fact a Valpo that right from the start takes very strong opponent to the head, initially resisted the assault, Jesolo, and slowly putting his nose in the attacking midfield. But the visitors to go first, marking a goal in percussion, however, marred by a ball went into touch unseen by the referee. The injustice However, charging bulls, and from that moment is installed in the attacking midfield, putting a great apprehension at the rear of Jesolo. Amateurs are reported under the 24 'with a course, which centers on the pole position is not easy, and continue for the duration of the first time to attack with force but also in order. Our failures are also three kicks for a breath, as if they had entered the match would surely have turned in another direction. At the time expired, however, comes the blow, where for a defensive mistake of climbing (and even for a forward pass) the bulls suffer the goal that saw him climb on Jesolo 12-3.

blow to the Giallorossi, a blow that is absorbed in everything and per tutto dai Tori, che nella prima parte del secondo tempo vanno letteralmente in barca, subendo quattro mete in venti minuti, e chiudendo di fatto il match a favore della compagine jesolana. A questo punto però, la panchina diventa fondamentale, per dare un po’ di energia e forze fresche alla squadra, ed infatti in poco tempo coach Bresciani manda in campo tutti i giocatori a disposizione. Questo nuovo apporto di forze fresche da nuovamente la sveglia agli Amatori, che si rigettano nella metà campo avversaria, attaccando a tutto campo, per un vero e proprio assalto all’arma bianca. E’ quindi un valpo che riesce a mettere pressione agli avversari, grazie alle incursioni di Cevese e Laryea nella difesa ospite, mentre i placcaggi di Avesani Molon and make good guard on defense. The Bulls are fighting with zeal, and are in full force clash against defending Jesolo, until they find the right hole. To 73 'in fact, Bettini G. beats a quick free-kick for Gasparato, who literally pulls the legs of their opponents to make the goal, then transformed from the course.

It closes the game substantially here, which saw the Bulls fight for most of the match at par, against an opponent far stronger and more organized: where it did not reach the technical and physical, comes the heart of the Giallorossi . The championship now stops for a week, to resume Sunday February 13, when the Expand home address in The Monsters Rugby, a game that our warriors will play (gamble) on an equal footing.

XII Results Day:

-Feltre Alpago 22-3

Monselice-Valsugana 18-29

Vicenza-Silea 41-19

Lido Ve-Conegliano 10-42

Monsters-Livenza 49-19


Jesolo 53

Conegliano 47

Valsugana 44

Vicenza 42

Monsters * 28

Lido Ve 18

Monselice 18

Silea 17

Livenza* 16

Feltre ** 16

Alpago 6


* a game in

Marco Gaspari, man of the match on Sunday giallorosso

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Testicals Of Human Being

Sunday rest .. a rarity '..

...ogni tanto ci vuole anche questo ...
Tre allenamenti in settimana mirati alle ripetute e alla qualita'..
martedi' in pianura , mercoledi' sfr sul Mairano e sul Mazzolino dalle parti di Casteggio.. giovedi' un po' di ritmo "per poco" con i ragazzi del ponte e lavoretti...
venerdi' riposo, e ieri giro al "Pavia Bridge" completo con solita corsetta simulata .. sempre divertente anche se l'aria fredda ed il vento hanno reso impegnativa la cosa seppur corta .. solo 60km...
Oggi con i compagni si voleva uscire di mattina al Mc Donald di Binasco ma la neve ha fatto restare tutti ai box ..
Settimana prossima richiami vari su ritmo e forza e domenica l'idea e' quella di andare a Loano a fare la gf come allenamento entrando in gara dopo i 10 km iniziali per evitare stirate violente e il rischio delle solite cadute di inizio stagione ..

Monday, January 24, 2011

Giant Human Skeleton Found Arabian Desert

a FREE !!!!!



EXPANDI Amateur Valpolicella:

Altobel, Cortina, Avesani, Casiraghi (from 80 'Fattorelli), Laryea, Trecate Bettini F. (75 'Course), Lonardi, (from 52' Gasparato) Molon, Valli, Leach, Cevese broad beans, Bettini G. (65 'Chiecchi), Tomei (65' Zanatta).

A disp.: Bulbarelli, Montresor.

Coaches : Bresciani-Carraro.

Alpago Rugby: Levis, Parcianello, Masin (40 'Mognol), Zampieri, Sey (75' Pierobon), Tollot, Calvi, (40 'Peterle) Recchia, Perino, Rizzoli, Saviane D., Saviane M. (50 'O. Saviane) Fullin, Costa, Reveane

A disp: Saviane M., Bortoluzzi, noise.

Coach: Rossi

Scorers: 6 'cp Tollot, 16' and 20 'cp Casiraghi, 45' m. Laryea 63 'm. Levis tr. Tollot, 68 'm. Casiraghi

Referee: Carlo Guerrieri

Notes: clear day, frozen pitch. On 35 'amm. Molon, 40 'amm. Fullin, to 80 'amm. Reveane

I had to go up to Alpago, near Belluno, in order to write the story, but the Bulls finally did make it: I finally managed to win Sunday the first win in Serie C Elite of their history, both before and now as a Second Team as an amateur. The match was exactly as you imagine playing a historic hard, nervous, tight, with great tension but also with great emotions. Enthusiasts who come to Puos Alpago of orphans and Federico Enrico Nicolis Zardini, injured last week to be added to the list of mileage already "broken" seasonal, but can count on in a Eugenius Trecate more.

Start the game and now the Bulls are having to battle into their own 22, trying to resist the outburst of the yellow-opponents. The fort stands for dieci minuti, quando l’Alpago trova i pali dalla piazzola, e si porta sul 3-0. I Tori reagiscono subito alla ferita inferta, e cominciano finalmente a macinare il loro gioco di grande ritmo, fatto di punti d’incontro veloci, per lanciare al meglio la cavalleria leggera giallorossa, a cui la difesa avversaria concede imprudentemente metri. Riescono quindi a guadagnare due calci di punizione comodi, che Casiraghi mette tra i pali, per il sorpasso sul tabellone. Si chiude sostanzialmente qui il primo tempo, con l’Alpago tenta di prendere campo con le bombarde del numero 10 gialloverde, ed il Valpo che risponde con le sgroppate dei trequarti giallorossi.

Nel secondo tempo però the Bulls decide it's time to make a change to the game, and implement a forcing worthy of the best teams, sending the opponent's defense literally doll and allowing the black arrow Laryea flag to score comfortably. Sounds like the beginning of another game, but there is Alpago, and reacts to the blow, lucky enough to find a destination that brings in the hosts. The goal would have been suffered a terrible blow for any team to absorb, but not for the bulls of yesterday, under the poles in a circle, one look was enough to understand each other and returned to the attack and start again with the furious pace than before. Coach Breslin realize however that it is time to send fresh troops in the field, Zanatta and Chiecchi and then inserts on the front line to replace Bettini G. and Tomei, the authors turn a good game, as well Gasparato, already in the field for the injured Lonardi. It takes five minutes and then forcing, Casiraghi to allow you to find right off the gate, and go to mark the goal of 10-16.

There are still fifteen minutes to play: the Bulls could continue to play their rugby fast and frothy, but the weariness of the previous forcing is felt, and ours are put on the defensive from that Alpago half desperately seeks. The hosts are struggling desperately with less legitimate and lawful means (tested in the sensational confronti di Casiraghi, mandato lungo disteso da un impunito avversario) , in cerca della marcatura che li riporterebbe ad un soffio dai Tori, ma davanti trovano un vero e proprio muro, una difesa praticamente perfetta, che riesce ad arginare ogni sfuriata gialloverde, e ferma l’Alpago a due cm dalla meta e li ributta indietro. Finisce così, dopo 4 minuti di recupero, una partita memorabile per il Valpo, che festeggia meritatamente un successo assai atteso, e che ripaga i giocatori di tutti gli sforzi e di tutte le delusioni (a volte anche ingiuste) della prima parte del campionato. Negli occhi dei pochi irriducibili arrivati fin sulle rive del lago di Santa Croce per sostenere i loro beniamini, rimangono la monumentale prova di “Cece” Cevese, man literally everywhere, and good in every situation of the match, touche by the defense to break a ball in hand.

Now we need to start again, not content with this little tidbit, every Sunday and trying to go in search of victory, with each team, to finally prove to all the championship teams of the actual value of this team .

Day XI Results:

Conegliano-Feltre 41-14

Valsugana-Livenza 38-19

Silea-Monselice 25-20

Jesolo-Lido Fri 36-19

Vicenza-Monsters 10-7


Jesolo 48

Conegliano 42

Valsugana 39

Vicenza 37

Monsters * 23

Lido Fri 18

Monselice 18

Silea 17

Livenza * 16

Feltre ** 12

Alpago 6


* a game in

In the picture: "Cece" Cevese, the match Sunday, and men everywhere the team AS Roma

190xdb Screw Leg Lock Issue

dreams ...

Sunday, January 23, 2011

What Does The Indigo Shag Band Mean

Sunday afternoon with the Right Boys ....

Ritrovo alle 12.30 davanti al meraviglioso negozio Harley di Max Pezzali, sotto un bel sole e temperatura intorno ai 5 gradi ..
Una ventina i malati del pedale che rinunciano a mangiare assieme alla famiglia di domenica, pur di allenarsi con clima piu' mite ..
Una decina corridori della Destro, e altri della zona di varie squadre .. gente del giro ponte .. una bella compagnia ...
Giro pressoche' pianeggiante per arrivare Salice , Montalfeo, Godiasco and return to the circuit and Voghera Cervesina .. up to them 'all calm then a brawl broke out .. to blame? ... It 's always the usual ..
I was very pleased to do "some" km with the prince of the Lacchiarella
Samy ... do not know if I can 'say the same thing .. :-)
hello, and thanks to all.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Brown Shag Band Meaning

Warrior ...

Heart and determination! Today
around the deck to flame .. nice big group and sometimes sailing important .. final sprint for the usual .. and touched brawl with a motorist who had drunk too much ..

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Shag Band Colourwhat Does Indigo Mean

the sun was somewhere ..

Tuesday '...
Wednesday '...

Thursday '..

week of heavy fog and wet .. but today I found .. even for a short ...

Quickest Ways To Heal Laryngitis




EXPANDI Amateur Valpolicella:

Cortina, Corso, Laryea, Casiraghi , Fattorelli Zardini, Bettini F., Nicolis, Molon, Valli (from 70 ' Gasparato), Leach, Maddie (from 70' Cevese), field beans, Chiecchi (from 61 ' Bettini G.) Zanatta ( from 50 ' Tomei).

A disp.: Delfanti, Frapporti

Coaches : Bresciani-Carraro.

Valsugana Rugby: Gambetta, Bordin, Zara, Trombetta, Pallozzi, Button, Francescon, Carrier, Fornea, Masala, Lunardi, Da Silva, Baldo, Vlad, Pintonello.

A disp.: Betto, Salmaso, Zandegù, Pavan, Lena, Zoppini, Baggio

Coach: Prosdocimi

Marcatori: 28’ c.p. Corso, 66’ m. Corso. Per il Vals. 4 mete trasf. ed 1 c.p.

Arbitro : Checchinato

Non è cominciato nel migliore dei modi l’anno nuovo, ma nemmeno ci si può lamentare: la prima partita del 2011 dell’Expandia Amatori Valpolicella, vede uscire dal campo una squadra sconfitta, but that seems to slowly gain authority in the field, especially in light of the last bad slip at home to Feltham.

the kick-off in fact, the Bulls take possession and begin to baste the game they want them made of restarts near the package with the scrum, especially with the excellent Nicolis and Leach, and then take field with the gusts of the trocar, well-orchestrated from the median Bettini F. Zardini, more and more in tune. The Valsugana sly but awaits the right opportunity, which happens at the 11th, a well-aimed kick puts difficulties in the rear of Valpo, and allows players to recover possession, that with a few quick steps fail to find a gap in the defense of Verona and mark the goal.

The Bulls, however, do not lose heart, and start the game from where they had left, that is a good possession. At 15 ' a kick takes guests over the break. Try to answer the 22 ' course, always free-kick, but the attempt goes off to the side of nothing. Three minutes later however, the Valsugana goes again, again, unfortunately due to a failure of our defense up, which unfortunately always pay a very high price even the smallest mistake. Another three minutes later, the course moves last match report of the Amateur, by hitting the poles position is not easy, and concluding in fact the first time on the opponents 17-3.

The second half begins not in the best way for the Giallorossi Verona, which are pierced by opponents on the 7th and 11th, again for the reasons mentioned above. But, you know, the Rugby Club of San Pietro in Cariano not admit people who give up so easily, and in fact the double blow has the merit to awaken the Bulls from the bad dream: our pride because they begin to grind with a very good game, going a pretty place to mark the 26th course always the result of excellent work with the scrum and superb play at the hands of the frontline, determining the final result 31-8 to the visitors.

Sunday the Bulls will travel to Alpago (BL) to seek a victory that finally lacking for too long. Come on Tori.

Xth Results Day:

Silea-Feltre 15-15

Livenza-Jesolo 13-36

Conegliano-Vicenza 20-19

Monsters-Alpago 36-5

Monselice Lido-Fri 14-22


Jesolo 43

Conegliano 37

Valsugana 34

Vicenza 33

Monsters * 22

Lido Fri 18

Livenza * 16

Monselice 16

Silea 12

Feltre ** 12

Alpago 5


* a game in

Nella foto: capitan Favetta suona la carica in mezzo a tre avversari (foto Valli)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Shag Bandwhat Does Indigo Mean


And yes, dear boys .. moments are ... the arrival Arenzano and in particular out of that tunnel after the fog and the chill of our seats for us runners, athletes in general are a burst of happiness' .. Energy .. a kind of paradise for a half day ..
an amusement park for divers, climbers, runners .. a world full of life and movement .. and then the sun .. the sun .. This unknown ..

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Moles Removed From Nostrils

the glasses .. 53 km; it is a part of around the bridge to the contrary

These photos are last 10 km from the estate of the bank of Pavia Limido .. beautiful tract Parasacco-Borgo S. Siro .. looks a bit 'of sunshine to take some pictures .. clean irrigation ditches and individual farms .. very beautiful this stretch of the campaign .. fishers and herons are just .. that peace ..

View the tour of 'glasses 53 km a map larger