EXPANDI Amateur Valpolicella: Cortina (from 65 'Fattorelli), Course, Avesani (from 65' Montresor) Casiraghi, Laryea, Zardini, F. Bettini , Valli (from 56 'Gasparato) Molon (from 56' Lovatin) Cevese, Maddie, Leach, field beans (from 67 'Zanatta) Chiecchi (50' G. Bettini), Tomei (50 'Bulbarelli)
Coaches: Bresciani-Carraro
Jesolo Rugby: Zanette, Visentin, Serafin, Bincoletto, Lucchetta, Boulder, Toffolo, Serafin (from 47 'Forcolin) Masarin (from 56' Constantin), Mattioli, Tadié Menazza (from 56 'Talon), Wachsmann (from 55' Bortolusso) Vazzola, Low
A disp: Polarti, Gambarotto
Manager: Giancarlo Pivetta
Referee: Paolo Fortunati
Scorers: 15 'm. Jesolo, 24 'cp Course, 41' m. Jesolo (Transfer), 42 ', 46', 54 'and 66' m. Jesolo (2 Transfer), 73 'm. Gasparato (trasf. Course)
Notes: Half time 3-12. At 6 'Yellow Course, 69' yellow card Toffolo
Rounds the mark of the Amateur League dell'Expandia Valpolicella, which unfortunately makes up a defeat against the league leaders, the Rugby Jesolo. The Bulls will have the game ready to redeem the provision of such development, where they were flooded with the sixty points behind leaders mercilessly inflicted.
At the start of the game is in fact a Valpo that right from the start takes very strong opponent to the head, initially resisted the assault, Jesolo, and slowly putting his nose in the attacking midfield. But the visitors to go first, marking a goal in percussion, however, marred by a ball went into touch unseen by the referee. The injustice However, charging bulls, and from that moment is installed in the attacking midfield, putting a great apprehension at the rear of Jesolo. Amateurs are reported under the 24 'with a course, which centers on the pole position is not easy, and continue for the duration of the first time to attack with force but also in order. Our failures are also three kicks for a breath, as if they had entered the match would surely have turned in another direction. At the time expired, however, comes the blow, where for a defensive mistake of climbing (and even for a forward pass) the bulls suffer the goal that saw him climb on Jesolo 12-3.
blow to the Giallorossi, a blow that is absorbed in everything and per tutto dai Tori, che nella prima parte del secondo tempo vanno letteralmente in barca, subendo quattro mete in venti minuti, e chiudendo di fatto il match a favore della compagine jesolana. A questo punto però, la panchina diventa fondamentale, per dare un po’ di energia e forze fresche alla squadra, ed infatti in poco tempo coach Bresciani manda in campo tutti i giocatori a disposizione. Questo nuovo apporto di forze fresche da nuovamente la sveglia agli Amatori, che si rigettano nella metà campo avversaria, attaccando a tutto campo, per un vero e proprio assalto all’arma bianca. E’ quindi un valpo che riesce a mettere pressione agli avversari, grazie alle incursioni di Cevese e Laryea nella difesa ospite, mentre i placcaggi di Avesani Molon and make good guard on defense. The Bulls are fighting with zeal, and are in full force clash against defending Jesolo, until they find the right hole. To 73 'in fact, Bettini G. beats a quick free-kick for Gasparato, who literally pulls the legs of their opponents to make the goal, then transformed from the course.
It closes the game substantially here, which saw the Bulls fight for most of the match at par, against an opponent far stronger and more organized: where it did not reach the technical and physical, comes the heart of the Giallorossi . The championship now stops for a week, to resume Sunday February 13, when the Expand home address in The Monsters Rugby, a game that our warriors will play (gamble) on an equal footing.
XII Results Day:
-Feltre Alpago 22-3
Monselice-Valsugana 18-29
Vicenza-Silea 41-19
Lido Ve-Conegliano 10-42
Monsters-Livenza 49-19
Jesolo 53
Conegliano 47
Valsugana 44
Vicenza 42
Monsters * 28
Lido Ve 18
Monselice 18
Silea 17
Livenza* 16
Feltre ** 16
Alpago 6
* a game in