Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Stop My Soul Silver Rom From Crashing

a fantastic season

E 'has finally come to an end the first year of life of the newly named team Amateur Valpolicella : we see a little sum up this past year together.
When we got toward the end of August, the team hovered around a climate of uncertainty. The secure bases from which they started were little, and many unknowns. First, this new satellite company built on the ashes of the old second team, started from scratch for the group, as it was to "merge" the two teams, and also, as a direct consequence, for the game, because having a whole new group needed to know, then go to build an effective structure of the game.
The group, first of all, it seemed difficult to mix the "old" for the second team, who know rugby for a lifetime, with the "young" just out from 'under 18, very good technically, but perhaps still inexperienced on the levels of rugby more "male".
The operation, however, has managed in the best way, since the two entities merged into a single very compact group, which despite being very high (the rose is in fact full of about 40 players), has always shown strength in most of the bulls, the lever on which to rely in the darkest hours.
The game, however, seemed destined to give even more problems than the amalgam group, since the inclusion of new players in key roles.
The thing, however, was conducted by two coaches, which are first of all two men's rugby Mirco Bresciani and Mirco Carraro . Persone che conoscono la palla ovale da una vita, per cui le persone più adatte per un lavoro così delicato.
In questo sono stati aiutati anche da un capitano come
Max Ceriani , giocatore che magari non sarà la stella della squadra che risolve le partite da sola, ma ha saputo invece mettere sul piatto la sua grande esperienza e saggezza nel gestire un gruppo e farlo crescere. Ha saputo gestire al meglio un gruppo nuovo ed eterogeneo, grazie al suo carisma ed alla sua capacità di saper usare il bastone o la carota nei momenti giusti. Vedendo il suo operato lungo tutta la stagione quindi, la squadra aveva scelto più che bene.
From these many uncertainties then, these men were capable of a real "war machine". A team that, in the first half of the season, won nine matches out of 9: a steamroller. No opponent has in fact managed to scratch the great desire and great appetite nice game of our team: the culmination of this period was undoubtedly the victory in the Derby, a triumph that was missing for a while in the Valpolicella area, including regards the first team.
The second part of the championship, we have seen emerge a bit of "peace" in our mind: having removed all the charts, there was more that wave of enthusiasm che ci aveva accompagnato nella prima parte. Però i to ri continuavano a vincere, perchè anche se un pò più rilassati, i nostri erano oramai ben consci delle loro potenzialità. Una squadra matura quindi, che ha visto l'apice della stagione nella vittoria a Trento, ad oggi la partita più bella che i nostri abbiano mai fatto.
Dopo la "partita perfetta" però, ci sono stati dei momenti di sbandamento, che hanno visto i tori cadere nelle altre due sfide di vertice con il Cus Verona e contro l'Altovicentino, la prima persa ma giocata alla pari, mentre la seconda è stata un'autentica disfatta.
Nessuno However I did dramas created hysteria in the team, and we know that sometimes defeats sometimes do more good than harm, since they have allowed our kids even more to cement the group and start training with greater determination and greater desire , always looking for perfection in every detail, every time a game. This has allowed the bulls to deservedly win the championship, thus earning promotion to the Elite C, and the chance to play in the cup with the CIV Silea.
Monselice The final was the highlight sports of the season, played against the strongest team that we could find. A great game then, with a defeat che brucia tantissimo, essendo stati in vantaggio per più di cinquanta minuti, crollando solo nel finale. La cosa positiva che c'è da salvare in questa finale è che comunque gli sbandamenti della squadra sono stati perlopiù dovuti alla poca esperienza di tanti elementi a giocare partite così di livello e con così tanta pressione.
Nessuno si abbatte però: la coppa era comunque un "qualcosa in più", la ciliegina da mettere su una torta già fantastica di suo. La guarnitura non è arrivata ma diciamo che la torta è bella comunque. Nonostante le tante incognite infatti, il
gioco espresso dai nostri è stato sempre spettacolare, un "rugby-champagne" sempre fast and the hand, which has enabled our well to score 88 goals and 630 points, marked with the signatures of as many as 22 different players. A team that mark so many, that expresses a game exciting and spectacular, as is tradition in Valpolicella.
We are therefore confident that all things in the coming years will only improve if our bulls will continue to walk the course.
Next year will be a crucial test for the team, you will raise the level of play, and we'll see what our will to do. But these are new unknowns, reserve it for next October.
bye bulls. And
thanks .


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