... raise our hearts in a ceaseless hymn of thanksgiving and praise to God it is with this spirit that we recommend to recite the following Prayer-Novena and if I see the benefits, wonderful effects, because God can not be outdone in generosity.
Novena to God the Father
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
O God, come to save me. Lord, make haste to help me.
1. O Lord God, Eternal Father, we remember the words of thy Divine Son Jesus: "Whatever you ask the Father in my name, he will give." Well is in the name of Jesus, in memory of the Blood and the infinite merits of Jesus, I come to you today, humbly, as a poor before the rich, to ask a favor. But before you ask, I feel obliged to pay, at least in some way, my infinite debt of gratitude and appreciation to you, or good and powerful God.
doing so are sure to facilitate the fulfillment of my prayers. Accept, then, O God the merciful, the most lively feelings of gratitude, it is imperious in me a sense of gratitude.
With the benefit of the creation, storage, and your father's watchful providence that unfolds every day without my noticing.
With the benefit of the Incarnation of your Son and the Redemption He generously done for the health of the world with his death on the cross.
grace of the sacraments instituted, source of all good, especially the Sacrament of the Eucharist and the Sacrifice of the Mass that is perpetuated unbloody bloody sacrifice of the Cross.
With the institution of the Catholic Church, Apostolic, Roman, of the Papacy, the Catholic episcopate and the priesthood, the authority and the ministry of which it is safe in the treacherous sea of \u200b\u200bthis life.
With the spirit of faith, hope and charity which have penetrated my mind and my heart.
Thanks the doctrine of the Gospel and its maximum when I tried to build on to live according to the teachings and example of Jesus Christ, and especially the doctrine of the eight beatitudes, which I have comfort in the sorrows of life, especially where said: "Blessed are those who suffer, for they shall be comforted". And now that I've done my bounden duty to thank you, God the Father, generous author of all good, I make bold to ask the name and on the merits of Jesus Christ for the grace that look on your mercy.
(Ask for the grace)
Glory be ...
Divine Eternal Father, I thank all the gifts you have bestowed on the Church, to all nations, to all souls and to me particularly, but in the name of Jesus Christ, give me new graces.
Novena to God the Father
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
O God, come to save me. Lord, make haste to help me.
1. O Lord God, Eternal Father, we remember the words of thy Divine Son Jesus: "Whatever you ask the Father in my name, he will give." Well is in the name of Jesus, in memory of the Blood and the infinite merits of Jesus, I come to you today, humbly, as a poor before the rich, to ask a favor. But before you ask, I feel obliged to pay, at least in some way, my infinite debt of gratitude and appreciation to you, or good and powerful God.
doing so are sure to facilitate the fulfillment of my prayers. Accept, then, O God the merciful, the most lively feelings of gratitude, it is imperious in me a sense of gratitude.
With the benefit of the creation, storage, and your father's watchful providence that unfolds every day without my noticing.
With the benefit of the Incarnation of your Son and the Redemption He generously done for the health of the world with his death on the cross.
grace of the sacraments instituted, source of all good, especially the Sacrament of the Eucharist and the Sacrifice of the Mass that is perpetuated unbloody bloody sacrifice of the Cross.
With the institution of the Catholic Church, Apostolic, Roman, of the Papacy, the Catholic episcopate and the priesthood, the authority and the ministry of which it is safe in the treacherous sea of \u200b\u200bthis life.
With the spirit of faith, hope and charity which have penetrated my mind and my heart.
Thanks the doctrine of the Gospel and its maximum when I tried to build on to live according to the teachings and example of Jesus Christ, and especially the doctrine of the eight beatitudes, which I have comfort in the sorrows of life, especially where said: "Blessed are those who suffer, for they shall be comforted". And now that I've done my bounden duty to thank you, God the Father, generous author of all good, I make bold to ask the name and on the merits of Jesus Christ for the grace that look on your mercy.
(Ask for the grace)
Glory be ...
Divine Eternal Father, I thank all the gifts you have bestowed on the Church, to all nations, to all souls and to me particularly, but in the name of Jesus Christ, give me new graces.
2. Thank you, Lord God the Father, the spirit of humility and charity, piety and zeal, patience and generosity in forgiving offenses and every good feeling that we are being suggested in listening to your Word, in the exhortations of the Confessor, in the meditations and spiritual readings, as well as to give me lots of good inspiration.
Thanks for having saved me from many dangers both spiritual and material and the many occasions of sin.
Thank you for calling me a date and means of grace concessimi to be able to follow.
Thanks promessomi of Paradise and the place that you prepared for me there, where I hope to come and for the merits of Jesus Christ and for the cooperation that I intend to put in my escape always and everywhere a sin
thanks for having saved me from hell so many times, where good enough for my past sins, if your son he had not redeemed.
Thanks for giving me the dear heavenly Mother to Mother of your Son, the Virgin Mary, always compassionate and loving towards me and that he had enriched so many privileges, especially the Immaculate Conception, her Assumption into Heaven body and that he had voted "Mediatrix of all grace."
Thanks for giving me a patron Saint of Death Joseph and specimens of holiness so many saints and protectors, given ed'avermi the Guardian Angel that constantly tells me good inspiration in order to keep a straight path.
Thanks for all the beautiful and useful devotions that the Church brings to me to facilitate my sanctification, especially the devotion to the Heart Jesus, the Eucharistic Heart,
his Passion, the Immaculate Virgin Mary, venerated in the thousands of titles, S. Joseph and many other Saints and Angels.
Thanks received some good examples from others and for making me understand that it is brother, sister, mother of Jesus, in the words of the Gospel, who does the will of God everywhere and always.
Thanks for giving me the inspiration to the spirit of thanksgiving pin guidance of my spiritual life.
Thanks of the good that you do welcomed by me, and I confess that I am amazed and humbled me that you, O Lord, I availed myself of the wretched creature.
By then right now the pains of purgatory that I want to shorten the merits of Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary, the Saints and for the votes of the good souls who want me to apply.
And now again I've done my bounden duty to thank you, God the Father, Author generous of all good, I make bold to ask more in the name and on the merits of Jesus Christ for the grace that I look by your mercy.
(Ask for the grace)
Glory be ...
Divine Eternal Father, I thank you for all the gifts you have bestowed on the Church, to all nations, to all souls and to me particularly, but in the name of Jesus Christ, give me new graces.
Thanks for having saved me from many dangers both spiritual and material and the many occasions of sin.
Thank you for calling me a date and means of grace concessimi to be able to follow.
Thanks promessomi of Paradise and the place that you prepared for me there, where I hope to come and for the merits of Jesus Christ and for the cooperation that I intend to put in my escape always and everywhere a sin
thanks for having saved me from hell so many times, where good enough for my past sins, if your son he had not redeemed.
Thanks for giving me the dear heavenly Mother to Mother of your Son, the Virgin Mary, always compassionate and loving towards me and that he had enriched so many privileges, especially the Immaculate Conception, her Assumption into Heaven body and that he had voted "Mediatrix of all grace."
Thanks for giving me a patron Saint of Death Joseph and specimens of holiness so many saints and protectors, given ed'avermi the Guardian Angel that constantly tells me good inspiration in order to keep a straight path.
Thanks for all the beautiful and useful devotions that the Church brings to me to facilitate my sanctification, especially the devotion to the Heart Jesus, the Eucharistic Heart,
his Passion, the Immaculate Virgin Mary, venerated in the thousands of titles, S. Joseph and many other Saints and Angels.
Thanks received some good examples from others and for making me understand that it is brother, sister, mother of Jesus, in the words of the Gospel, who does the will of God everywhere and always.
Thanks for giving me the inspiration to the spirit of thanksgiving pin guidance of my spiritual life.
Thanks of the good that you do welcomed by me, and I confess that I am amazed and humbled me that you, O Lord, I availed myself of the wretched creature.
By then right now the pains of purgatory that I want to shorten the merits of Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary, the Saints and for the votes of the good souls who want me to apply.
And now again I've done my bounden duty to thank you, God the Father, Author generous of all good, I make bold to ask more in the name and on the merits of Jesus Christ for the grace that I look by your mercy.
(Ask for the grace)
Glory be ...
Divine Eternal Father, I thank you for all the gifts you have bestowed on the Church, to all nations, to all souls and to me particularly, but in the name of Jesus Christ, give me new graces.
3. Thank you, Lord, God the Father, even the pains and penalties, humiliation, disease, sad heritage of sin, you were allowed to visit and test, because I have bent them to sacrifice so necessary to follow your Divine Son who said: "Whoever does not bear his cross, and follow me can not be my disciple. " (Luke 14:27).
Thank heavens, that immense and glittering stars in the silent speech, "said your glory" of the sun, the source for us to light and heat the water that quenches our thirst, flowers that grace the earth.
With the social condition in which I have made and for not letting me to never lack the necessities of life, neither the honor nor the daily bread and giving me comfort and material benefits that many have not.
Thanks for the thanks I have received and of those, the more numerous, I will be clear only in Heaven!
Thanks for all the benefits of natural and supernatural order that you have bestowed, and still pour out my relatives, friends, benefactors, to all souls of this earth, the good and the bad guys who deserve them and who not deserve them, the Catholic Church and all its members, to my country and all the inhabited earth.
Of all the thanks I know I do not know and would like to thank not only habitual but now every time I utter a short prayer.
And now that I have once again taken the my bounden duty to thank you, God the Father, Author generous of all good, I make bold to ask more in the Name and through the merits of Jesus Christ for the grace that look on your mercy.
(Ask for the grace)
Glory be ...
Divine Eternal Father, I thank you for all the gifts you have bestowed on the Church, to all nations, to all souls and to me particularly, but in the name of Jesus Christ, give me new graces.
Thank heavens, that immense and glittering stars in the silent speech, "said your glory" of the sun, the source for us to light and heat the water that quenches our thirst, flowers that grace the earth.
With the social condition in which I have made and for not letting me to never lack the necessities of life, neither the honor nor the daily bread and giving me comfort and material benefits that many have not.
Thanks for the thanks I have received and of those, the more numerous, I will be clear only in Heaven!
Thanks for all the benefits of natural and supernatural order that you have bestowed, and still pour out my relatives, friends, benefactors, to all souls of this earth, the good and the bad guys who deserve them and who not deserve them, the Catholic Church and all its members, to my country and all the inhabited earth.
Of all the thanks I know I do not know and would like to thank not only habitual but now every time I utter a short prayer.
And now that I have once again taken the my bounden duty to thank you, God the Father, Author generous of all good, I make bold to ask more in the Name and through the merits of Jesus Christ for the grace that look on your mercy.
(Ask for the grace)
Glory be ...
Divine Eternal Father, I thank you for all the gifts you have bestowed on the Church, to all nations, to all souls and to me particularly, but in the name of Jesus Christ, give me new graces.
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