Saturday, August 23, 2008

Dietsmall Sliding Hiatal Hernia


Il Rosario di Gesù è il ricordo dei 33 anni of his life. During a presentation at the 1983 apparition seer Vasili Jelena, Our Lady has given not only the form but also tips on how to pray this rosary. Jelena began the crown, but the Virgin interrupted: "You just pray with your lips. You have to pray with your heart, you have to go deep and be all in your heart. Sit down. The whole body should be firm, his eyes in Jesus Leave aside any concerns or desire. " After doing as he asked the Virgin Mary, Jelena has been in a great recollection. The Rosary of Jesus Christ, Mary said quietly as he wishes, Intermezzo from space for reflection and silence, by applying to themselves and others the mysteries of Jesus' life, is an effective start to contemplative prayer, and lives out the promise of Mary: "I'll take you to the depth of prayer." The Rosary of Jesus is composed of 33 Our Father, 1 and 7 I think Gloria and is divided into seven mysteries.

How to pray the Rosary Jesus

a. contemplate the mysteries of the life of Jesus helped by a brief introduction. Our Lady calls us to stand in silence and reflect on each mystery. The mystery of Jesus' life must speak to our hearts ...

b. for every mystery should give a 'special intention

c. after that the intention was expressed particular, recommends opening your heart to pray together during spontaneous contemplation

d. each mystery, after this spontaneous prayer, choosing a suitable song

e. after the song, recite the Our Father, 5 (except the seventh mystery that ends with 3 Our Father)

f. After that, exclaiming: "O Jesus, be our strength and protection!" The Virgin would have recommended not to add to the visionary and not taking anything away from the mysteries of the Rosary. All that remains as explained by you

In the name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. I think.

First Mystery: Jesus born in Bethlehem in a cave.

"Even Joseph, who was of the house and lineage of David, from the town of Nazareth in Galilee for Judaea, to the city of David called Bethlehem, to be enrolled with Mary his betrothed, who was with child. While they were there, came for her to be delivered. she brought forth her firstborn son and wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the ... The angel told the shepherds: "Be not afraid, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people: to you is born in the city of David a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord. This sign for you: you will find an infant wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. " And on the framework with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying: "Glory to God in the highest heaven and on earth peace among those whom he loves." (Lk 2,4-7.10-14) Intention: We pray for peace. Spontaneous prayer. Song: You were born in the loving arms of a Virgin Mother, Jesus you died in the arms of a cross pitiful was that date you. 5 Our Father. We pray in silence and saying: "O Jesus, be our strength and protection."

Second Mystery: Jesus helped and gave to the poor.

"The day began to decline and the Twelve came to him saying: 'Send the crowd, because they go into the villages and countryside surroundings and find food to stay, for we are here in a deserted area'. Jesus said to them: 'Give him something to eat yourselves. "But they said:" We have only five loaves and two fish ... "Then he took the five loaves and two fish, raised his eyes to heaven, he blessed them broke it and gave them to the disciples to set before them the crowd. They all ate and were satisfied and the parties they took up what was left over, twelve baskets. "(Luke 9,12-13.16-17) Intention: We pray for the Holy Father and for all church leaders and nations. Spontaneous prayer. Song: Spirit of God descending on me. Fondimi, plasmami, fill me, use me. Spirit of God, come down on me. 5 Our Father. "O Jesus, be our strength and protection."

Third Mystery: Jesus relied totally to the Father and do his will.

"Then Jesus went with them on an estate called Gethsemane, and said to his disciples," Sit here while I go yonder and pray. And he took with him Peter and the two sons of Zebedee, he began to be sorrowful and troubled. He told them: "My soul is sorrowful even to death, stay here and watch with me." And going a little farther he fell on his face and prayed. "My father, if possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as you !"... And again, went out and prayed, "Father, if this cup can not pass unless I drink it, Thy will be done." And he left, he went away again and prayed a third time, saying the same words. "(Mt 26,36-39.42.44) Intention: We pray for priests and for all those in a special way and for life are called to serve Jesus Prayers spontaneous. Song: Praise be to you! Heart of God, with your blood you wash every sin back to hope the man who dies. Only you peace and unity. Amen! Alleluia! 5 Our Father. "O Jesus, be our strength and protection!"

Fourth Mystery: knew Jesus giving his life for us and feel that without objection, because he loves us.

"Jesus raised his eyes to heaven and said," Father, the hour has come, glorify your Son that the Son may glorify you. For thou hast given him power over all flesh, that he should give eternal life to all those who have given ... for their sake I consecrate myself, that they may be consecrated in truth. "(Jn 17,1-2.19) Intention: We pray for the families. O Jesus, loved us, and we return to the Father in spirit and in peaceful complete abandonment. To you nothing is heavy, because you were held up his love for us. Make our families fully available, because each make every effort to make others happy. Let all the fathers and mothers sanctify their life in love, in order to sanctify with their children. spontaneous prayer. Song: O divine Lamb sacrificed on the cruel cross, have mercy You who take away from the world sin, save the man who has no peace. 5 Our Father. "O Jesus, be our strength and protection!"

Fifth Mystery: Jesus has made his life a sacrifice for us.

"This is my commandment: love one another as I have loved you. No one has greater love than to lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends if you do what I command you. " (Jn 15.12-14) Intention: let us pray that each of us may be able to offer his life for his neighbor. Spontaneous prayer. Song: Judgement day in the clouds of heaven you will be tremendous, the people mourn What you're seeing trophy glory. 5 Our Father. "O Jesus, be our strength and protection!"

Sixth Mystery: The victory of Jesus, the resurrection He has conquered Satan.

"While women were still uncertain, behold, two men stood by them in shining garments. They were terrified and bowed their faces to the ground, they said, 'Why look among the dead is alive? He is not here, he is risen. Remember what he told when he was still in Galilee, saying that the Son of Man must be handed over to sinners and be crucified and rise on the third day. "(Luke 24.4-7) "I settantadue tornarono pieni di gioia dicendo: "Si­gnore, anche i demoni si sot­tomettono a noi nel tuo no­me". Egli disse: "lo vedevo satana cadere dal cielo come la folgore. Ecco, io vi ho da­to il potere di camminare so­pra i serpenti e gli scorpioni e sopra ogni potenza del ne­mico; nulla vi potrà danneg­giare. Non rallegratevi però perché i demòni si sottomet­tono a voi; rallegratevi piutto­sto che i vostri nomi sono scritti nei cieli". (Lc 10,17-20) Intenzione: preghiamo per­ché cessino i peccati e Ge­sù possa risorgere in noi. Preghiere spontanee. Canto: Sei vessillo glorioso di Cristo, sua vittoria e segno d’amor; il suo sangue innocente fu visto come flame bursts from the heart. 5 Our Father. "O Jesus, be our strength and protection!"

Seventh Mystery: The Ascension of Jesus into heaven.

"Then he led them out to Bethany, and lifting up his hands and blessed them. While he blessed them he parted from them and was carried up into heaven. And they worshiped him and returned to Jerusalem with great joy, and were continually in the temple praising God. " (Luke 24.50-63) Intention: We pray so as to fulfill and realize God's will Prayers spontaneous. Song: Glory to you, Jesus Christ, today and forever you will reign! Glory! Soon, you will: you alone are our hope! 3 Our Father. "O Gesù, sii per noi forza e protezione!" Dopo di che contempliamo Gesù che manda lo Spirito Santo sugli apostoli, rac­colti in preghiera con Maria. "Mentre il giorno di Pente­coste stava per finire, si tro­vavano tutti insieme nello stesso luogo. Venne all'im­provviso dal cielo un rombo, come di vento che si abbat­te gagliardo, e riempì tutta la casa dove si trovavano. Ap­parvero loro lingue come di fuoco che si dividevano e si posarono su ciascuno di loro; ed essi furono tutti pieni di Spirito Santo e cominciarono a parlare in altre lingue come lo Spirito dava loro il potere di esprimersi". (At 2,1-4) Intenzione: Preghiamo che lo Spirito Santo si effonda nella sua pienezza su di noi, sulle nostre famiglie, sulla Church, communities religliose on all the baptized, all men, particularly with those who decide the fate of the world, because the Holy Spirit inspire their thoughts of justice and wise decisions and guide their steps towards peace.

7 Glory to the Father.

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The great promise of Jesus to Saint Joseph (prayer promises) to the plight of the Shoulder

"Any person will say every day, all year, seven Our Fathers and seven Hail Marys in awe of the seven that I had pain in the world, will all grace from God, just as long as ( that is convenient).

1. Saint Joseph, for the pain and joy that you felt at the maternity of the Virgin Mary. Assist paternally in life and in death Our Father, Hail Mary.

2. Saint Joseph, for the pain and joy that you felt at the birth of Baby Jesus. Assist paternally in life and in death. Our Father, Hail Mary.

3. Saint Joseph, for the pain and joy that you felt at the circumcision of the Child Jesus. Assist me in a fatherly way in life and death. Our Father, Hail Mary.

4. Saint Joseph, for the pain and joy that you felt at the prophecy of Simeon. Assist paternally in life and in death.
Our Father, Hail Mary.

5. Saint Joseph, for the pain and joy that you felt during the flight into Egypt. Assist paternally in life and in death. Our Father, Hail Mary.

6. Saint Joseph, for the pain and joy that you felt during the return from Egypt. Assist paternally in life and in death. Our Father, Hail Mary.

7. Saint Joseph, for the pain and joy that you felt at the loss and finding of Jesus in the temple. Assist paternally in life and in death.
Our Father, Hail Mary.

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Prayer of Our Lord (prayer promises)

St. Bernard, Abbot of Clairvaux, asked in prayer to our Lord who was the greatest pain suffered in the body during His Passion. He was told: "I had a sore on his shoulder, three fingers deep, and three bones discovered to carry the cross. This plague has given me the greatest pain and sorrow of all the others, and by men is not known. But it was revealed to Christians and know that whatever grace I ask because of this scourge, they will be granted, and to all those who love it, I will honor three Our Father, three Hail Mary and Glory be to the three days, will forgive venial sins, will not remember the death and not die of sudden death and at death will be visited by the Blessed Virgin and still expect to Grace and Mercy. "


Beloved Lord Jesus Christ, meek Lamb of God, I am a sinner, I love and revere the Blessed Plague that you received on your shoulder to carry the heavy cross to Calvary, where they remained three most sacred bones discovered by tolerating it in immense pain I beg you in the virtues and merits of that Plague to have mercy with me forgive all my sins are mortal and venial, which assist the hour of death, and lead me in Your kingdom blessed. Amen.

(3 Pater, Ave 3, Gloria 3).

Friday, August 22, 2008

Pennsylvania Airsoft Tournament

Crown of the Holy Wounds of Our Lord Jesus Christ (prayer promises)

the humble conversation of the Visitation of Chambery, Sister Mary Martha Chambon (who died in the odor of sanctity March 21, 1907) claimed to have received the two invocations (acting on small grains and big ones) and the same promises from the lips of our Lord Jesus Christ:

Promises of Our Lord:

1- “Io accorderò tutto ciò che Mi si domanda con l’invocazione delle Mie sante Piaghe. Bisogna spargerne la devozione.”.
2- “In verità questa preghiera non è della terra, ma del cielo… e può ottenere tutto”.
3- “Le mie sante Piaghe sostengono il mondo… chiedimi di amarle costantemente, perché Esse sono sorgente di ogni grazia. Bisogna invocarle spesso, attirarvi il prossimo ed imprimerne la devozione nelle anime”.
4- “Quando avete delle pene da soffrire portatele prontamente nelle Mie Piaghe, e saranno addolcite”.
5- “Bisogna ripetere spesso vicino agli ammalati: ‘Gesù mio, perdono, ecc.’ Questa preghiera solleverà l’anima e il corpo”.
6- “E il peccatore che dirà: ‘Eterno Padre, Vi offro le Piaghe, ecc…’ otterrà la conversione”. “Le Mie Piaghe ripareranno le vostre”.
7- “Non vi sarà morte per l’anima che spirerà nelle Mie Piaghe. Esse danno la vera vita”.
8- “A ogni parola che pronunciate della Corona della misericordia, Io lascio cadere una goccia del Mio Sangue sull’anima di un peccatore”.
9- “L’anima che avrà onorato le Mie sante Piaghe e le avrà offerte all’Eterno Padre per le anime del Purgatorio, sarà accompagnata in death by the Blessed Virgin and the Angels, and I, her glory, to receive the crown him. "
10 - "The Holy Wounds are the treasure of treasures for the souls in Purgatory."
11 - "Devotion to my wounds is the remedy for this time of iniquity."
12 - "From my wounds out the fruits of holiness. You will always pondering new food of love. "
13 - "My child, if your shares plunge in My Holy Wounds will gain value, your minimum actions covered fulfill my Blood of My Heart."

This Chaplet is recited using a common crown of the Holy Rosary and start with the following prayers:

In the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen

1 O Jesus, divine Redeemer, have mercy on us and the world. Amen.

2 Holy God, mighty God, immortal God, have mercy on us and the world. Amen.

3 O Jesus, through Your Precious Blood, grant us grace and mercy hazards. Amen.

4 O Eternal Father, for the Blood of Jesus Christ, Your only Son, we beg of you to use us mercy. Amen. Amen. Amen.

On the grain of the Our Father is the prayer:

Eternal Father, I offer You the Wounds of our Lord Jesus Christ. To heal those of our souls.

On the Hail Mary beads please:

My Jesus, pardon and mercy. The merits of your Holy Wounds. the end he repeats three times: "Eternal Father, I offer You the Wounds of Our Lord Jesus Christ. To heal those of our souls. "

Whiteheads After Brazilian Wax


A poor Clare appeared at his late Abadessa who prayed for her and said: "I went straight to heaven because, having recited this prayer every night, I paid all my debts and have been preserved from Purgatory.

Eternal Father, through the hands of Our Lady of Sorrows, I offer the S. Heart of Jesus with all his love, with all its sufferings and all its merits: To expiate all the sins I have committed this day and during all my past life.
Glory be ...

To purify the good I have done badly this day and during all my past life.
Glory be ...

To make up for the good I have not done today and throughout my past life.

Breastfeeding Husband In Islam

Novena Prayer to God Father

... raise our hearts in a ceaseless hymn of thanksgiving and praise to God it is with this spirit that we recommend to recite the following Prayer-Novena and if I see the benefits, wonderful effects, because God can not be outdone in generosity.

Novena to God the Father

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

O God, come to save me. Lord, make haste to help me.

1. O Lord God, Eternal Father, we remember the words of thy Divine Son Jesus: "Whatever you ask the Father in my name, he will give." Well is in the name of Jesus, in memory of the Blood and the infinite merits of Jesus, I come to you today, humbly, as a poor before the rich, to ask a favor. But before you ask, I feel obliged to pay, at least in some way, my infinite debt of gratitude and appreciation to you, or good and powerful God.

doing so are sure to facilitate the fulfillment of my prayers. Accept, then, O God the merciful, the most lively feelings of gratitude, it is imperious in me a sense of gratitude.

With the benefit of the creation, storage, and your father's watchful providence that unfolds every day without my noticing.

With the benefit of the Incarnation of your Son and the Redemption He generously done for the health of the world with his death on the cross.

grace of the sacraments instituted, source of all good, especially the Sacrament of the Eucharist and the Sacrifice of the Mass that is perpetuated unbloody bloody sacrifice of the Cross.

With the institution of the Catholic Church, Apostolic, Roman, of the Papacy, the Catholic episcopate and the priesthood, the authority and the ministry of which it is safe in the treacherous sea of \u200b\u200bthis life.

With the spirit of faith, hope and charity which have penetrated my mind and my heart.

Thanks the doctrine of the Gospel and its maximum when I tried to build on to live according to the teachings and example of Jesus Christ, and especially the doctrine of the eight beatitudes, which I have comfort in the sorrows of life, especially where said: "Blessed are those who suffer, for they shall be comforted". And now that I've done my bounden duty to thank you, God the Father, generous author of all good, I make bold to ask the name and on the merits of Jesus Christ for the grace that look on your mercy.

(Ask for the grace)
Glory be ...

Divine Eternal Father, I thank all the gifts you have bestowed on the Church, to all nations, to all souls and to me particularly, but in the name of Jesus Christ, give me new graces.
2. Thank you, Lord God the Father, the spirit of humility and charity, piety and zeal, patience and generosity in forgiving offenses and every good feeling that we are being suggested in listening to your Word, in the exhortations of the Confessor, in the meditations and spiritual readings, as well as to give me lots of good inspiration.

Thanks for having saved me from many dangers both spiritual and material and the many occasions of sin.

Thank you for calling me a date and means of grace concessimi to be able to follow.

Thanks promessomi of Paradise and the place that you prepared for me there, where I hope to come and for the merits of Jesus Christ and for the cooperation that I intend to put in my escape always and everywhere a sin

thanks for having saved me from hell so many times, where good enough for my past sins, if your son he had not redeemed.

Thanks for giving me the dear heavenly Mother to Mother of your Son, the Virgin Mary, always compassionate and loving towards me and that he had enriched so many privileges, especially the Immaculate Conception, her Assumption into Heaven body and that he had voted "Mediatrix of all grace."

Thanks for giving me a patron Saint of Death Joseph and specimens of holiness so many saints and protectors, given ed'avermi the Guardian Angel that constantly tells me good inspiration in order to keep a straight path.

Thanks for all the beautiful and useful devotions that the Church brings to me to facilitate my sanctification, especially the devotion to the Heart Jesus, the Eucharistic Heart,

his Passion, the Immaculate Virgin Mary, venerated in the thousands of titles, S. Joseph and many other Saints and Angels.

Thanks received some good examples from others and for making me understand that it is brother, sister, mother of Jesus, in the words of the Gospel, who does the will of God everywhere and always.

Thanks for giving me the inspiration to the spirit of thanksgiving pin guidance of my spiritual life.

Thanks of the good that you do welcomed by me, and I confess that I am amazed and humbled me that you, O Lord, I availed myself of the wretched creature.

By then right now the pains of purgatory that I want to shorten the merits of Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary, the Saints and for the votes of the good souls who want me to apply.

And now again I've done my bounden duty to thank you, God the Father, Author generous of all good, I make bold to ask more in the name and on the merits of Jesus Christ for the grace that I look by your mercy.

(Ask for the grace)
Glory be ...

Divine Eternal Father, I thank you for all the gifts you have bestowed on the Church, to all nations, to all souls and to me particularly, but in the name of Jesus Christ, give me new graces.
3. Thank you, Lord, God the Father, even the pains and penalties, humiliation, disease, sad heritage of sin, you were allowed to visit and test, because I have bent them to sacrifice so necessary to follow your Divine Son who said: "Whoever does not bear his cross, and follow me can not be my disciple. " (Luke 14:27).

Thank heavens, that immense and glittering stars in the silent speech, "said your glory" of the sun, the source for us to light and heat the water that quenches our thirst, flowers that grace the earth.

With the social condition in which I have made and for not letting me to never lack the necessities of life, neither the honor nor the daily bread and giving me comfort and material benefits that many have not.

Thanks for the thanks I have received and of those, the more numerous, I will be clear only in Heaven!

Thanks for all the benefits of natural and supernatural order that you have bestowed, and still pour out my relatives, friends, benefactors, to all souls of this earth, the good and the bad guys who deserve them and who not deserve them, the Catholic Church and all its members, to my country and all the inhabited earth.

Of all the thanks I know I do not know and would like to thank not only habitual but now every time I utter a short prayer.

And now that I have once again taken the my bounden duty to thank you, God the Father, Author generous of all good, I make bold to ask more in the Name and through the merits of Jesus Christ for the grace that look on your mercy.

(Ask for the grace)
Glory be ...

Divine Eternal Father, I thank you for all the gifts you have bestowed on the Church, to all nations, to all souls and to me particularly, but in the name of Jesus Christ, give me new graces.

What Happened In Throat

The Rosary of the Father (prayer promises)


1 The Father promises that for every Our Father who will be played, scores of souls will be saved from eternal damnation and dozens of souls will be freed from the pains of Purgatory.

2 The Father will give very special thanks to the families where the Rosary will be recited and tramanderà through the generations.

3 To all those who recite it with faith will do great miracles, and those which are not so great if they are never seen in church history.

Rosario del Padre

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

O God, come to save me. Lord, make haste to help me.

1, Mystery

we contemplate the triumph of the Father in the Garden of Eden when, after the sin of Adam and Eve, promises the coming of the Savior.

The Lord God said to the serpent: "Because thou hast done this, cursed are you above all cattle, and above all the beasts of the field, on your belly and eat dust all the days of your life. I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring will crush your head and you shall bruise his heel. " (Gen. 3:14-15)

Hail Mary. 10 Our Father. Glory to the Father.

my Father, loving Father, I offer myself to you, I give myself to you.

Angel of God, you're my guardian, enlighten and guard, to rule and guide me who have been entrusted by the heavenly goodness. Amen.

2 ° Mystery

we contemplate the triumph of the Father to
time of "Fiat" of Mary at the Annunciation.

The angel said to her: "Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God You will conceive a son, and you shall call his name Jesus will be great and called the Son of the Lord God will give him the throne of his father David and reign over the house of Jacob forever and his kingdom will never end " . (Luke 1.30-33)

Hail Mary. 10 Our Father. Glory to the Father.

my Father, loving Father, I offer myself to you, I give myself to you.

Angel of God, you're my guardian, enlighten and guard, to rule and guide me who have been entrusted by the heavenly goodness. Amen.

the 3rd Mystery:

we contemplate the triumph of the Father in the garden of Gethsemane when donates all of its power to the Son.

Jesus prayed, "Father, if thou art willing, remove this cup from me! Nevertheless not my will, but thine. " And there appeared an angel from heaven. In his anguish he prayed more earnestly: and his sweat became like great drops of blood falling to the ground. (Luke 22.42-44).

Hail Mary. 10 Our Father. Glory to the Father.

my Father, loving Father, I offer myself to you, I give myself to you.

Angel of God, you're my guardian, enlighten and guard, to rule and guide me who have been entrusted dalla pietà celeste. Amen.

4° Mistero:

Si contempla il trionfo del Padre al momento di ogni giudizio particolare.

Quando era allora lontano il padre lo vide e commosso gli corse incontro, gli si gettò al collo e lo baciò. Disse poi ai servi: “ presto, portate qui il vestito più bello e rivestitelo, mettetegli l’anello al dito e i calzari ai piedi e facciamo festa, perché questo mio figlio era morto ed è tornato in vita, era perduto ed è stato ritrovato”. (Lc 15,20. 22-24)

Ave, o Maria. 10 Padre Nostro. Gloria al Padre.

My Father, loving Father, I offer myself to you, I give myself to you.

Angel of God, you're my guardian, enlighten and guard, to rule and guide me who have been entrusted by the heavenly goodness. Amen.

5th Mystery:

we contemplate the triumph of the Father at the Last Judgement.

I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away and the sea was no more. I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. I heard a loud voice from the throne saying "Behold dimora di Dio con gli uomini! Egli dimorerà tra di loro ed essi saranno suo popolo ed egli sarà il “Dio-con-loro”. E tergerà ogni lacrima dai loro occhi; non ci sarà più la morte, né lutto, né lamento, né affanno, perché le cose di prima sono passate”. (Ap. 21, 1-4).

Ave, o Maria. 10 Padre Nostro. Gloria al Padre.

Padre mio, Padre buono, a te mi offro, a te mi dono.

Angelo di Dio, che sei il mio custode, illumina, custodisci, reggi e governa me che ti fui affidato dalla pietà celeste. Amen.
Seguono poi le Litanie del Padre e un Padre nostro, Ave, o Maria, Glory to the Father for the Holy Father.

Litany of Father

O God, the Father of Heaven ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... Have mercy on us
O God, the Son, Redeemer of the world ... ... ... .... Have mercy on us
O God, the Holy Spirit ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... Have mercy on us
Holy Trinity, one God ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. Have mercy on us
Father Creator of the world ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Have mercy on us
propitiator Father of the world ... ... ... ... ... .... Have mercy on us
Father eternal wisdom ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. Have mercy on us
Father's infinite goodness ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... Have mercy on us
Father ineffable providence ... ... ... ... ... ... .. Have mercy on us
Father source of everything ... ... ... ... ... ... .... Have mercy on us
Holy Father ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. abbi pietà di noi
Padre dolcissimo……………………... abbi pietà di noi
Padre d’infinita misericordia………………. abbi pietà di noi
Padre nostro difensore……………………… abbi pietà di noi
Padre nostra gioia e nostra gloria………….. abbi pietà di noi
Padre ricco per tutte le creature…………… abbi pietà di noi
Padre magnificenza della Chiesa……………abbi pietà di noi
Padre esperienza dei cristiani……………… abbi pietà di noi
Padre capovolgimento degli idoli………….. abbi pietà di noi
Padre saggezza dei capi…………………….. abbi pietà di noi
Padre magnificenza dei re………………….. abbi pietà di noi
Padre consolazione dei popoli……………… abbi pietà di noi
Padre gioia dei sacerdoti……………………. Have mercy on us
guide Father of men ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... have mercy on us
Father gift of family life ... ... ... ... ... have mercy on us
Father of the poor ... help ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... Have mercy on us
Father joy of the poor ... ... ... ... ... .... Have mercy on us
Father guide for young people ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... have mercy on us
Father of the little friend ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... abbi pietà di noi
Padre libertà degli schiavi………………….. abbi pietà di noi
Padre luce di coloro che sono nelle tenebre…abbi pietà di noi
Padre distruzione dei superbi………………. abbi pietà di noi
Padre saggezza dei giusti……………………. abbi pietà di noi
Padre riposo nelle tribolazioni……………… abbi pietà di noi
Padre speranza nella desolazione…………… abbi pietà Father of us
haven of salvation for the hopeless ... .... Have mercy on us
Father consolation of the poor ... ... ... ... ... .... Have mercy on us
Father port of salvation in danger ... ... ... ... have mercy on us
Father peace and security in the denuding .... Have mercy on us
Father comfort the afflicted ... ... ... ... ... ... have mercy on us
Father refuge for orphans ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... Have mercy on us hut of Father
anziani………………….. abbi pietà di noi
Padre rifugio dei moribondi…………………. abbi pietà di noi
Padre che estingui la sete nella nostra povertà abbi pietà di noi
Padre vita dei morti…………………………... abbi pietà di noi
Padre gloria dei santi…………………………. abbi pietà di noi

Agnello di Dio, che togli i peccati del mondo
perdonaci o Signore

Agnello di Dio, che togli i peccati del mondo
esaudiscici o Signore

Agnello di Dio, che togli i peccati del mondo
abbi pietà di noi


Padre, per i figli, per ogni figlio, per tutti i figli, noi ti imploriamo: dona pace e salvezza in nome del Signore del tuo Figlio Gesù ed in nome del Cuore sofferente della Mamma Maria. Amen.

Preghiera del Padre

Padre, la terra ha bisogno di te; l’uomo, ogni uomo ha bisogno di te; ti preghiamo Padre, the heavy air pollution and needs you, again walking the streets of world, returns to live among your children, go back to rule the nations, to bring back peace and justice with it, again to shine because the fire of love, redeemed from pain, we become new creatures.