How did this year? To make it an 'idea even clearer I tried to give an opinion on the season and the championship of each player. Votes are still all positive, given the great season made by 'amateurs Valpolicella, culminating with the promotion in C Elite. Obviously I'm personal judgments and subjective , which may also be wrong, but are merely the result of my comments on the season just ended.
SAVOY : do them first before attacking and you will come on line instinct murderess. Many pillars of many teams will remember for a long time. Also valuable in open play and breakdown. Always aggressive
VALLI : Season superlative, which confirms the high levels of player capable of great versatility: hooker, second line, flanker or No. 8, wherever you put him from certain guarantees . A security
FAVETTA: Prop old-fashioned and old-fashioned hard work and sweat all over. It himself in "boiler" has always been a 'real guarantee: a great great example for young people. Great tenacity;
Bampi : Surprise of the year: changes from net to volley flying into touch with the naturalness of a great sportsman, and demonstrates ability to be a great interpreter of the lineout. In exponential growth in general play (but there is only a matter of time). A talent to be exploited;
ZARDINI M.: Back in camp after three years and it is as if there had never been away. Great in general play and dirty work, like a good second line of long standing. Good luck for the shoulder injury. Always a guarantee;
MOLON: Tackler devastating, great determination on the venues, as well as a great ball -carrier on offense. The future belongs to him, can become the team's third line open. And we can succeed peacefully;
Lonardi: Would you say that you started last year? No, in fact, Mauro good shows always more to be a player of great future. Hard worker in the field is the 'man-anywhere "in support. Great interpreter of the role of third-line closed. E 'born for the rugby
CERIANI : Captain, My Captain. The role of master of this season was mainly "psychological," to succeed ad unire due vecchie squadre in una sola: operazione perfettamente condotta e riuscita. Senza dimenticare la grande generosità in campo, e le grandi doti nel gioco "sporco". Grazie Max;
FRAPPORTI : Immenso. In campo, arriva dove nessun altro riesce, nè immagina. Devastante sia in attacco che in difesa. La sua assenza nella parte finale del campionato ha pesato tantissimo sull'economia della squadra. Un giocatore di livello, che fa la differenza;
MADDE' : The teacher's dirty work, the 'engineer' of the breakdown. In the field never see, because it is always in the middle of the casino to help out and work hard, both in the offensive support that the breakdown. An example to all;
Delfanti : Great season for the good gigi. Transformed from a year ago, puts his great qualities on the field during static as well as a large dose of obscure work. A huge leap in quality
BETTINI G. : Stagione in crescendo. Col passare del tempo ha dimostrato di essere un grande interprete del ruolo di tallonatore, conquistando prima il posto in squadra e poi la maglia da titolare. Forte in mischia, grandi mani in touche. Una garanzia;
CHIECCHI: Satanasso in campo non delude mai. Tanta corsa e grandi sostegni, e la solita grinta al servizio dei compagni. Purtroppo l'assenza per impegni lavorativi lo ha tenuto lontano dai campi. Ma sempre presente con la squadra;
CAMPAGNARI : When the job has allowed him, showed what stuff is hard fact. A pylon all power and determination, strong up front. Absolutely crucial in the first half of the season;
ZANATTA : He played little, unfortunately, but when has taken the field has always responded "Present." So much commitment and effort, and continued growth that bode well for the future;
LEACH: It started this year 's, and was immediately sent to "mine" to work hard. The good Peter has not lost his nerve, he rolled up his sleeves and has been shown to have a great future ahead of them. In growth
GASPARO : Omnipresent in the training, has always shown great tenacity and devotion to the team and the jersey. She was able to make available to the team his extensive experience and expertise in the play "dirty". Commendable;
Cevese : Back from 'England, has managed to put at the service of his team experienced in the third line and good running skills and support. Both slowed by injuries;
BENEDETTI : We have seen just this year, a complication of many commitments that have kept him away from the field. But when he was in the team relied on his physical skills and his good worker;
Salzani: Sufficiency "fetched" It 'a tutt' today one of the greatest hopes and third lines of talent for society, even after a season hampered by injury and commitments from school / work. The wait for the next year.
BETTINI F. Promoted subject. A good first half of the season, but the second you lose a little, in affanno. Conclude la stagione in panchina. Da rivedere
ZARDINI F. : Altra bella sorpresa della stagione. In crescita continua dall' inizio dell'anno, si dimostra un buon mediano, con ottime mani. Ma il meglio di sé lo dà sicuramente in mezzo alle praterie, schierato ala, centro o estremo. break decisivi e grandi placcaggi: una promessa;
BOCCHINI : Se la squadra ha fatto il salto di qualità il merito è even his own. It 's the brain was missing in the control room, and the great thing is that the guy has great room for improvement on both the physical and the technical side. A 'promise to the other club
CASIRAGHI : Old Gilbe is never pray when it comes to putting quality in the team: a great season even his. Great hands and great vision, which always puts the team in service. A security
RIGHETTI : More prodigal son of the oval ball, the "Cioci" back on the field as if he had never left. Puts on the plate his enormous power, capable of breaking forever (sempre!) the first tackle. Not to mention the defense in tackles, spectacular and very hard. Devastating;
AVESANI : Excellent season even for him, confirming the good things he had seen the little time he had been with us last year. The highest quality ball in hand, dressed as true tackles "spezzacostole"
COURSE : Good Giulio has shown great maturity this year, being able to "digest" the exclusion in the first team, and by serving Amateurs. His playing experience at high levels was vital the highlight of the league, such as in Trent. According metaman team;
MAGRULLI : The protagonist of the season. His track record speaks the numbers: 21 goals scored, 17 kicks and 55 transformations, for a total of 266 points, ie 42% of points scored by the team. Then if we also put supersonic speed and a tackle terrible, the picture is more than complete. He has given so much (and more) to 'Amateur Valpolicella. Law;
MARTINI : living proof that rugby is a sport for everyone. If the body does not help, it compensates for this shortcoming with a huge fighting spirit, with devastating tackles and excellent break in attack. The fastest growing too, a nightmare for opponents;
CASTELLACCIO : Velocissimo, un' ala vecchio stampo tutta corsa sulla linea e placcaggi decisivi. Se verso metà campionato ha vissuto un momento di leggero appannamento, la prima e l 'ultima parte di campionato sono stati di grandissimo livello. Vero mastino della fascia laterale;
CHIGNOLO : Totally devoted to team, and always there for training. Despite not having played a lot, has always put his wisdom and experience for the team, knowing how to grow younger. If there were to be invented;
MONTRESOR : Quando è stato chiamato in campo, ha sempre risposto positivamente, dimostrando una grande concretezza e qualità nell' interpretare il ruolo dell' ala. Anche lui in grande crescita dall' inizio dell'anno, una garanzia per la squadra;
SCOLARI : Even for him a season hampered by a little muscle trouble and commitments working. Although, when it was in the field, put in the service of his team as wing, with big buck in performance and speed caps, such as the magnificent hat-trick with the Trent. Solid;
Masocco : enormous physical potential, as is his great weakness. Without all the thousand aches, good Mauro has already made several games as a starter. Assembled seems to do great things in the role of wing. A great hope for the future.
BELLANI: Great quality, great potential, willingness to work hard bit. He also hampered by a serious accident, expect it next year;