Monday, September 21, 2009

Beautiful Women Girdles

SSC Napoli 0 - Udinese 0

SSC Napoli 0 - Udin ese 0
Termina a reti inviolate il primo anticipo della quarta giornata di Serie A tra Napoli e Udinese. Padroni di casa più pericolosi e desiderosi di trovare la vittoria davanti to their audience, Friuli careful to contain their opponents and ready to go. In the end, the challenge would be especially the clash between former comrades Di Natale and Quagliarella, to get the better are the difese.In field - Donadoni, Zuniga has a surprise instead of May and especially instead of Rinaudo Paolo Cannavaro the center of defense, all confirmed for the rest with lex Quagliarella in attack alongside Lavezzi. For guests, confirmed the 4-3-3 with Pepe, Floro Flores in attack and of course Christmas and another ex, Domizzi difesa.Si the middle of the game - the Naples seems determined to get a result and start attacking. Excellent pressure that forces the Bianconeri midfield, now in the yellow jersey, to burrow in defense. Good movement of the ball but the players do not exploit enough Donadoni bands, especially where Datolo seems in great shape. Many, perhaps too many vertical bearers from the trocar in search of easy prey, but Quagliarella's shot of the defenders of Friuli. Also too many shots from distance which almost never bother Handanovic. When the game moves on the wings, the story changes and that is where the most dangerous actions are born, first a cross from Lavezzi Hamsik that is in front of goal but the Slovakian not find the door, then Zuniga, the development of a corner is the Rinaudo head terminating at the side. Sullaltro side, lUdinese rely on Pepe to create spaces and opportunities in its speed and the number 7 creates the occasion migliore con un tiro dalla distanza deviato da De Sanctis in angolo. La prima frazione si chiude con un giallo: dagli sviluppi di un calcio dangolo, Di Natale insacca da due metri ma larbitro prima indica il gol, poi su suggerimento dellassistente, annulla per fuorigioco. In realtà la posizione dellattaccante sembra regolare e anche lultimo tocco che lo smarca probabilmente è di Santacroce e non di un suo compagno. Gol regolare.Nel secondo tempo le cose non cambiano e sono sempre gli azzurri a tenere il pallino del gioco costringendo gli avversari a difendere. E arrivano anche le occasioni più interessanti: al 63 Quagliarella sfrutta un rimpallo e salta anche Handanovic ma a porta vuota svirgola il pallone che termina a lato; al 70 i partenopei concludono due volte, Lavezzi who is careful with the first goalkeeper, then Datolo finding an opponent on track. Donadoni could go for broke and leaves for Santacroce Hoffer, moving Datolo in defense alongside Cannavaro, Contini and Zuniga but the move created more problems than anything else to the game of Naples and just the usual Christmas does not give the winning goal in Friuli unmarked by neoentrato Sanchez: excellent response to De Sanctis. Lultima word is still with Hamsik of Napoli that shoots up to almost beat goalkeeper. Ends goalless and all in all we care about the result.


Monday, September 14, 2009

Severe Pityriasis Rosea

CFC Genoa 4 - SSC Napoli 1

Genoa CFC 4 - SSC Napoli 1
In the field - is a challenge 'crazy' you can tell from the initial training. Donadoni leaves the bench and found Pià Pocho Lavezzi. Out of a surprise Gargano, and Aronica as the fifth play of the midfield. In Genoa Gasperini, Mesto touches to complete the trident. Floccari makes its debut season in Serie A, Argentine Crespo Palacio sit down and play in panchina.Si - Rhythm and typhoid hell. This is how Genoa-Napoli. Of occasions, however, we do not see many. At least in the first minutes of play, but where you see the attitude of both teams. High, aggressive and willing to make the game. The first real jolt comes from Sculli (header on the side), but Criscito with a knock on the distance to frighten De Sanctis. The first reversal in the face that's who you do not expect: More strikes hit safely a few feet, but Amelia did well to parry by instinct. The salt Genoa, Napoli did not retreat. The courage to Donadoni & Friends is an unexpected bonus: comes Tagliavento by the referee, without hesitation that expels a foul after Mimmo Criscito harmless. The mature decision because of too few words of the Genoa player who would be targeted to the whistle of Terni. Marassi esplode nella contestazione, Gasperini prova a far ragionare i suoi. Ci riesce fino al 41’, quando Hamsik è lanciato a rete da Quagliarella con un assist prelibato: lo slovacco è bravo a scartare uno scosso Amelia (per un contatto precedente con Campagnaro, ndr) e depositare in rete il vantaggio napoletano. Partita in discesa? Nemmeno per sogno. Il Napoli se la complica da solo: è il quinto minuto di recupero quando De Sanctis non esce e Campagnaro è costretto a sbracciare con Floccari. Tagliavento, con un pizzico di pignoleria, espelle il difensore argentino e serve allo stesso Floccari il rigore dell’ 1-1. L’ex atalantino non aspettava altro e ristabilisce la parità. Emozioni a grappoli.Il secondo tempo non delude le aspettative. It is 10 'to see the work Mesto: midfielder collects a long ball in fine style of Amelia, is focused and triggers a fireball from thirty yards that slips under the intersection of the poles. De Sanctis is watching, innocent, and Marassi explodes for a 2-1 win that up to half an hour before anyone could imagine. Napoli again head down, trying to maximize the freshness and the numbers of athletic Lavezzi, just entered. E 'Quagliarella, however, to err on the diagonal. Skip Zapater and little is likely to close the accounts, then the tandem-Crespo Palacio packages 3-1. The former Boca breakthroughs, just move Valdanito ago and deposited in the bottom of the bag by a plate superfine. A goal who knows how much of an award, even though the Naples spring. But it is hard to get to the shooting and defense Griffin, majestic performance and Papastathopoulos Biava, closed spaces. Not the same rule applies for Cannavaro and his companions that a few minutes from the end, you lose half Palacio in the area: Aronica comes to strength and stretching, giving the ball good Kharja to close. The 4-1 on a penalty kick is a triumph. Perhaps an overly punishing and at times willing Naples strong. But the most beautiful won ancora.La key - The final minutes of the first half marked a clear watershed in the evolution of the challenge. Napoli loses the advantage of numerical and income goals. Thank (or blame) of a misunderstanding between De Sanctis and Campagnaro, which costs the defender and the expulsion of Floccari draw a penalty, given a bit 'generated by the referee. That does nothing to keep out of contesa.La gem - How good the goal Mesto. The midfielder, author of a perfect performance, collecting the assist of Amelia (yes yes, him), is focused and starts a fast car that stunned De Sanctis. Ball in game seven and upside down. With an athletic movement as to rub the occhi.Top Losers - The Genoa expresses a sparkling game: thanks to the arrow on the band and Rossi Floccari that moves with intelligence. But even Papastathopoulos and Biava, good at containment and skilled in starts. In Naples and the few good Hamsik Lavezzi, able to liven up the recovery. Quagliarella goes in bursts but the most dangerous, the revised defense.


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Who Is Myammee Pregnant By

Shock Shopping
La malattia che ci consuma

Scopri come le catene dei supermercati manipolano e impoveriscono la tua vita
Autore: Saverio Pipitone
Editore: Arianna Editrice
Data pubblicazione: Nov/Dicembre 2009
Pagine: 156 - Prezzo: € 10,80

La Grande Distribuzione Organizzata (GDO) è il motore dello sviluppo economico e della moderna società dei consumi; occupa il penultimo anello della filiera, ma riesce ad imporre le proprie strategie verso l’alto fino al produttore e a condizionare verso il basso il comportamento del consumer. The supermarket chains are using the facilities of the hypermarket, shopping centers, outlet village, amusement parks, shopping and commercial districts, constructed and scientific organizations, by predetermined paths to the goods placed on the shelves, with the goal of producing an emotional involvement and a prolonged stay of consumers in the system of fiction, illusion and alienation created by "non-places." The GDO is due to be implemented through a shock sophisticated methods of control and the imposition of a lifestyle that totally transforms the consumer in the "new person" was added to a continuous experience of unnecessary consumption. The book explores the evolution of different forme strutturali della moderna distribuzione; mette in relazione le insegne distributive internazionali con un particolare aspetto che caratterizza il consumismo post-moderno; scopre i costi sociali ed ambientali provocati dalle strategie della GDO, svelandone il lato oscuro; osserva le numerose tecniche di fidelizzazione effettuate per manipolare il comportamento umano; approfondisce la vicenda della guerra tra catene distributive per la conquista di nuovi spazi commerciali e il controllo del territorio centro-periferico. Il libro indica infine la possibile alternativa della Piccola Distribuzione Organizzata (PDO), esaminando le diverse esperienze di decrescita, sobrietà e semplicità volontaria, incastrate in un discusso scenario di reazione o progresso.