Third Party
Third Party
Part One
Siena midfielder Daniele Galloppa, interviewed during the broadcast license plate Sky SpaccaNapoli, has expressed his desire to show off in the match on Sunday to convince society of Naples to buy it. These he said: "If I were in Naples? It 's been a while we talk about this thing, I'm already 3 years that are matched to the blue jersey. Naples is a major square, the opposite of Siena to the pressures and expectations. We hope Sunday to play well and make a good impression on Donadoni, so maybe the interest increases towards me. "
Part Two
Andrea Donadoni, son of coach Roberto Donadoni of Naples, interviewed by SKY in the usual SpaccaNapoli weekly, has issued some statements.
"My father could go to Udinese. It was undecided whether to choose between Friuli and blues. He asked me for advice and I've recommended to Naples, for their great passion and enthusiasm. The St. Paul is spectacular, maybe I'll go watch this match on Sunday. " Donadoni Jr also has clear ideas as regards the market: "I do not know whether to keep or sell Hamsik to get a quality midfielder like Ledesma. Zalayeta to aim even in attack, while Denis'd give to take Borriello.
Part Two
Part One
"Hamsik is not for sale"
De Laurentiis: "The Slovak Republic will not be given"
Marino: Lavezzi and Marek remain with us
De Laurentiis Marino and find unity of purpose on the public market. Yes, because on Hamsik and Lavezzi the patron and the dg traveling in the same direction. It seems that there is no doubt that both talents blue will remain in Naples. A 'Zona Severgnini "on Sky TG24, the patron to the question of transferability of the Slovak requested by half Europe and much like in Italy with Juventus, is clear: "Sell it? Definitely not. "
In the post-match Atalanta-Napoli, De Laurentiis, who also had been decided, had fixed a price in front of which there would be thought of sixty million. This figure, however, so high, perhaps more suitable to discourage applications, which attracting them. Marino has confessed to Spaccanapoli instead, heading for Sky, which was broadcast today. Enlarge the speech also Lavezzi, the dg: "In our project we focused on young people to value that grows with us to make stronger the Naples of the future. So if Marek and few are happy to stay here, and I have no reason to think otherwise, Napoli do not ever deprive them. "president and general manager, therefore, share the blue two talents, with the consent of that Donadoni had also stressed the great quality. It remains now to find the same unity of purpose on the market in Naples that the entry is already beginning to study. De Laurentiis calls for five years a director, Marino will have to settle this time, even listening to the list of names that will propose the technician. Dagostino and Daniele Conti, midfielders (this time the experience) that would make the Naples case. At that time the role of experimentation is over. De Laurentiis also because it no longer wants wrong. And he said: "Now I balked."
Bucchi and Dalla Bona: Ready to go
Napoli striker, now on loan Ascoli, Christian Bucchi, SpaccaNapoli during the program aired yesterday on Sky issued statements: "With the departure of Reja are ready to return to Naples, there was some disagreement with him. Now I hope to still be part of projects of the company making it available to Donadoni for the next training camp with the team. E 'with a technical part which is equal to all and is proving with every player he may have a chance. " Along the same lines also Samuele Dalla Bona wave that same program, said: "Ever since I refused the loan to Birmingham in August 2007, my problems began in Naples, the coach has not begun to consider myself more with him even though I've never had a real clash we have never quarreled openly. rejects the transfer to England because after I was hoping to B to give my contribution in A. With the company I have an agreement, if you do not find team in the summer because I could also return to Naples I was good. " The Dg Marino, alongside the dell'outing cantrocampista within the same broadcast, while acknowledging the technical skills, stigmatized, however, the disciplinary aspect of the story, saying that Reja ha operato nella maniera più opportuna.
Da: www.NapoliSoccer.NET
Sampdoria-Napoli 2-2: Papere, "Palombi" e... "Carri Armati"!
I blucerchiati vanno due volte in vantaggio su calcio piazzato con capitan Palombo, ma gli uomini di Donadoni non demordono e raggiungono il pareggio nel recupero.
In una partita a dir la verità bruttina, la Sampdoria butta alle ortiche unottima occasione per riguadagnare un some points in the standings making recovers in the end. Donadoni is increasingly Mister X but also seems to be on track to recover physically and mentally, some players, see Grava, Amodio and Denis. For its part, Mazzarri does not transmit your usual fighting spirit to his playing a bit condescendingly, except for the usual Palombo, Cassano and Padalino. In the field
The hosts are almost complete, except that on Monday, Bellucci has worked and he will be out at least a month and has not recovered Stankevicius that the ailments lhanno forced to pit two weeks ago, in particular, for Mazzarri limbarazzo the first time has chosen to defend where Campagnaro, Lucchini, Accardi and the sprout Gastaldello up and Ray is preferred to the Swiss National Padalino to tackle the slopes in Mannini; on offense and Cassano confermatissimi Pazzini, other than the speech in the blue house, where Donadoni waiver Lavezzi Blasi (suspended), as well as long-term care now and May Gargano; Amodio are making space (the first season), serious and pious, who joins in attack Zalayeta, still preferred to Denis. The maneuver is played
Sampdoria seems better now registered, while the defense blue stutters a bit, the first twenty minutes, however, run without any major scoring chances, the only jerks are certainly a contrast between Santacroce and Cassano on the edge of the area, a Palombo touched by the violent punishment of stesso Cassano a lato e da una splendida azione di rimessa dei partenopei che Hamsik rifinisce male per Pià solo davanti al portiere. Al 28 però un altro missile di Palombo scuote la partita, infilandosi con rara potenza nelangolo che Navarro lascia colpevolmente sguarnito. Dopo due minuti però gli azzurri cercano una pronta risposta, con Pià che imbecca con un colpo sotto in area Hamsik, anticipato però dallestremo difensivo blucerchiato in uscita. La partita torna poi nel suo anonimato, ma al 44 Pià si procura un punizione sul lato alto di destra dellarea blucerchiata, Hamsik batte con un pallone assai liftato sul quale irrompe Zalayeta, che fila il suo terzo gol stagionale 19 giornate dopo lultima marcatura, proprio nel match dandata del San Paolo.
The recovery always begins a mild pace, try doubling the Sampdoria with a couple of conclusions of the head of Rays and Cassano, while Napoli again good on the break but then destroys everything delarea tinker at the edge, which is why we think back again to Palombo 62 to give an alarm to match lennesima hit free-kick, but even more so this time Navarro is guilty of an intervention really ridiculous, brings about a shift in a central conclusion, however. Again Napoli tries to react immediately, but lincursione of gravity is rejected by Castellazzi output. The blue, however, seems to push off here, while Sampdoria tried several times to triple the scoring with the first and Campagnaro Franceschini then, both on cues of Cassano, but the target is wrong. The latest attacks bring the signing of Denis, who first saw its conclusion reversed a corner by Gastaldello and then attaches an assist at kiss Hamsik, is released this time of Gastaldello and unleashes a right that sinsacca nellangolino, when it's time has expired regulation.