Waste: Reduce and Recycling for a better life wants to be a popular text and proactive, able to photograph the downsides and identify causes of poor waste management in our country, but also to highlight the many realities in the virtuous peninsula, to make shared best practice strategies for reducing waste at source and recycle as much as possible. A complete and updated picture of the causes in our country, have transformed the "waste matter" in an emergency perennial, but also a guide to good practice and actually more efficient and well functioning now operating in Italy with increasing success. Discover the life cycle of waste, to explore the enormous business that is behind, learn the best strategies for reducing and recycling and to know the real role models such as the family and the municipality to zero waste. Everything in perspective and illuminating summary of the decrease happy. An indispensable book for understanding how each of us can contribute to a new and better waste management in its territory: a fundamental tool that can provide new cultural paradigms, alternative solutions, ma soprattutto azioni possibili e alla portata di tutti. Il volume curato da Stefano Montanari raccoglie le migliori voci del panorama italiano e internazionale in merito ad una gestione virtuosa dei rifiuti – da Paul Connett a Maurizio Pallante, da Natale Belosi a Marco Cedolin – e le esperienze concrete più significative – dalla strategia Rifiuti Zero alla raccolta differenziata porta a porta, dall’esperienza dei comuni virtuosi a quella della permacultura.
All'interno è presente anche un intervento di Saverio Pipitone dal titolo "Riduzione degli imballaggi: cambia il tuo modo di fare la spesa".